diy solar

diy solar

MPP Solar LV2424 kicks butt!!!

Perhaps an obvious question: does this include a transfer switch? Speed?

Its included, not sure about the speed but its in the range of ms, you can usually find it in the user manual / specs page. I can tell you that its fast enough to maintain power in any device, even PC's, so it could be used as an UPS too!
I must be blind. Specs don't mention speed.

I'll take your word that it's fast enough for PC's as that's my intended use.
I can swear it was in the manual but in a quick check couldn't find it, hopefully someone here has the data.

But i have tested them in a bunch of computers and none of them have turned off, although if its something critical i could advise about getting an smaller complementary UPS since they usually have shorter switch time, or can run all the time on the inverter / batteries (No transfer time) depending on the type of unit.