diy solar

diy solar

New JBD BMS compatible Bluetooth App


New Member
Nov 19, 2019
I have recently found a new app on the Apple store that works great with the JBD BMS and has a (in my view) much cleaner display. Has all the functionality of the Xiaoxiang with regard to Read / Write just much cleaner.

The app is called (very imaginatively) Smart BMS Utility and costs just $0.99.

Have a play and let the forum know what you think. I am personally lovin' it. Will put some screen shots up below - sometime...

Pic Below



  • SmartBMS Utility.JPG
    SmartBMS Utility.JPG
    31.6 KB · Views: 137
Adding some screen shots from the app.

2 nifty improvements I have noticed.
Displays remaining charge time to fully charged (Not to sure how accurate it is will check with a battery charger)
Displays both temperatures - also not sure how accurate this is but at least they are both there. Time for some checking??


Thanks and Regards
Hi - further to this have played a bit with the thermistor and there are definitely 2 seperate temperature readings. The Temp1 is the thermistor on the fly lead - see screenshots below. Temperature is very responsive too. Screenshots are one minute apart.
thanks and Regards
Thanks Dodger , downloaded and testing. Looks good. Just missing the cells‘ delta in mV. I also have problems connecting to the BMS whilst charging. I use 3 different apps to test with : your one above , the original iOS and the Android one - they all take quite a while to connect and uploading new settings whilst charging is also not possible.
I recommended to upload only when not charging / discharging.
Hi Pierre.
Tested OK while charging / discharging with IOS. Connected really really quickly. I currently have 3 of the BMS connected and stepped quickly between them. I did notice the lack of a cell delta but the developer seems really responsive so could put in a req via the GitHub.
I did like the 2 temps and the fact that I can test which is which, also the time left to charge. I have put in a request to have all the BMS displays basic data on the Home Screen. Will see how that turns out.
Cheers and Enjoy die Kaap

PS the attached photo is the v2 of the XiaoxiangBMS app. This is what I have asked for.4B4A0F6B-1E1C-4A1C-8113-AE3EAF97BD8E.jpeg
Hi Richard , that is a nice screen !
I cannot remember having these BT problems when I first started with this BMS. I have quite a few BT modules and I sell the DGJBD BMS on my website. The range is also a bit disappointing , so maybe I should swap out the BT dongle for a newer one.
As you know winter is here in die Kaap but we are still camping on weekends and enjoying it. We are expecting tougher Covid lockdown rules from next week and I fear our next camping weekend is in jeopardy.
Best regards
Hey, iOS Developer of this app here

Just missing the cells‘ delta in mV
Thanks for your feedback. I have received many messages about this feature. I will soon start on version 2.0 of my app and this will be fixed by then!

If anyone else has feedback for my app or any other feature requests i can happily think about implementing those!
Cheers from Germany
I just downloaded it, so looking forward to getting off work to connect and walk around a bit. For those curious, it's now $1.99 in iOS, but that's cheaper than the Xiaonxang because in order to adjust parameters in that one you have to pay for the "Pro" version, which is $5.00
Hey, iOS Developer of this app here

Thanks for your feedback. I have received many messages about this feature. I will soon start on version 2.0 of my app and this will be fixed by then!

If anyone else has feedback for my app or any other feature requests i can happily think about implementing those!
Cheers from Germany
Hi. So I’m loving the app, except for one snag….I can’t get the thing to accept a change in the “Over discharge” column. It’s preset for 60amps. I tried to change and save it but it’s not sticking. I confirmed it by driving my Golfcart and it shut the cart off once I hit 70amps. I was able to switch back to the original app and get home, but am I doing something wrong?
Hmm. I wasn't able to replicate this issue on my 17S 60A BMS... I've set it to 61000mA, 59000mA and 100000mA and it got saved perfectly fine. Can you set it lower than 60A?
So I got it to finally store the 100a but it still cut off the battery once I passed 60a. I’ll try again tonite when I get home to see if it was user error.
At the risk of sounding like a cheapskate, will v2.0 be a new paid version in the app store or will existing 1.2.x users receive the 2.x upgrade? I guess I'm wondering if I should wait for 2.x or not. Thank you!
Hey, iOS Developer of this app here

Thanks for your feedback. I have received many messages about this feature. I will soon start on version 2.0 of my app and this will be fixed by then!

If anyone else has feedback for my app or any other feature requests i can happily think about implementing those!
Cheers from Germany
Hi - having the ability to view more than one BMS on the Home Screen would be great. I have 2 batteries in my camping setup and the ability to have an overview would be great.
Thanks and Regards
Hey, iOS Developer of this app here

Thanks for your feedback. I have received many messages about this feature. I will soon start on version 2.0 of my app and this will be fixed by then!

If anyone else has feedback for my app or any other feature requests i can happily think about implementing those!
Cheers from Germany
Will you be porting this app to Android?
Will you be porting this app to Android?
I installed your android 2.0.0 vers. app from Google Play Store on my phone and can't get past the "Connect the device" page. If I enter something under the "Device name" prompt, nothing happens. It doesn't take me any farther.
At the risk of sounding like a cheapskate, will v2.0 be a new paid version in the app store or will existing 1.2.x users receive the 2.x upgrade? I guess I'm wondering if I should wait for 2.x or not. Thank you!
It should be a regular update to 2.0 without any new purchases! (Unless i'm forced to make it a new app, which i hope is not needed)
I installed your android 2.0.0 vers. app from Google Play Store on my phone and can't get past the "Connect the device" page. If I enter something under the "Device name" prompt, nothing happens. It doesn't take me any farther.
I don't have an android version.