diy solar

diy solar

Panel Missile Protection


Solar Badger
Nov 3, 2019
I put up 2 of my 6 panels. Ready to add two more via a 2nd mount. But, where I want to add them a neighbor's very high trees with branches maybe 50+ feet above drop projectiles. How can you protect your panels?

This is just from the other day:

IMG_20200411_162117479.jpg IMG_20200411_162447110_HDR.jpg
Yikes! My car gets hit often with oak, and poplar branches... I agree, solar panels wouldn’t fare as well... I wouldn’t place panels near trees shedding... any chance your neighbor would trim back the offenders?
Neighbors are new. Only met them once. Don't want to start our relationship with "cut your trees down, please", especially since it has 1% chance of success.

I'm thinking a hockey net. I actually have a hockey net I haven't used in over 10 years.
Some solar water heaters used to install chicken net and a cage to protect them, so maybe something like that, shouldnt block that much light.

Much easier to present yourself, maybe give them something nice as welcoming gift, and after a few days talk about the situation, most people would understand. you can even offer to trim the tree and clean the place, its always a good idea to have a good relation with people that live a few meters from your house. Sounds cheaper and easier also.
Some solar water heaters used to install chicken net and a cage to protect them, so maybe something like that, shouldnt block that much light.

Much easier to present yourself, maybe give them something nice as welcoming gift, and after a few days talk about the situation, most people would understand. you can even offer to trim the tree and clean the place, its always a good idea to have a good relation with people that live a few meters from your house. Sounds cheaper and easier also.
I already went over and introduced my self and shook the husband's hand, only to realize when I got home why I got that strange WTF look when I did that. lol I totally forgot about corona paranoia.

I'd offer some of my homemade pasta sauce. But, no one is going to trust it today, despite the fact that we have 380 trillion viruses in our bodies already and scientific studies showing that social distancing weakens immunities.
Man sounds like a difficult one, i also keep forgetting that we live in a different world now.

Still maybe talk to them about the possible danger of getting impaled by the tree, maybe from that angle they could accept... the branchs get pretty depth in the ground so i would worry about them!. Nothing to lose by asking.
Maybe offer to split the cost of getting an arborist in to cut out all the deadwood. Point out the safety impact to both families and the potential litigation should someone be hurt. Make the suggestion in writing to solidify the litigation potential.
Maybe offer to split the cost of getting an arborist in to cut out all the deadwood. Point out the safety impact to both families and the potential litigation should someone be hurt. Make the suggestion in writing to solidify the litigation potential.
Do you neighbors love you? lol
You could mount them vertically i.e. perpendicular to the ground, to minimise the chances of them being hit.

Just kidding, talk to your neighbour.
LOL I mounted them vertically after talking to my neighbor. His trees are huge and tall, over 80 feet high. This string doesn't perform as well as my first string. But, they'll do better in the winter.

The biggest downside to vertical is it is not a wind friendly position. If wind kicks up, I'll disconnect them. I can always change it later. Overall, though, being close to the ground, and surrounded by a wood fence, bushes and structures, there is a lot to cut the wind impact.
invite them for a sunny afternoon in your garden.. just under the tree...
with a bith of luck and wind they will be self convinced.
and if a missile lands between their feet, you just say "Hu, sorry that happens sometimes, but that's not a problem, you are insured isn't it ?"
Next day, they cut the tree...