diy solar

diy solar

Panel prices about to jump higher across the board they think


"Here - Hold my Beer"
Nov 13, 2019
EE from LAX CA -work in SouthTX for giant evil Oil
So our contracting folks send us a note today saying that if we were going to be purchasing panels over the next 6 months if we could go ahead and do a massive order NOW that would be helpful to them. The only time they ever ask us to spend money sooner than later is when they are getting nervous or they think they can save a fortune ...

I will summarize a 10 page email ....

#1 Due to the worlds economy fluctuating - SILVER prices has exploded - solar panels use silver -- silver cost more now -- SOLAR PANEL PRICES GO UP ...

#2 An amount of civil and social unrest and Preppers (et al) are realizing that maybe the idiots running around in black pajamas will figure out that torching small businesses in democratically ran areas is NOT as effective as shutting down an unguarded power substation and that Solar Panels may be needed so everyone (like they are doing with guns and ammo) are going to plus up their solar systems - thus create a shortage ...

#3) If Wuhan Flu hits again that will already tax the burden these ports have of already huge delays in shipments and shortages and supply and demand will cuase prices to go up ...

and I will skip #4/5/6/7/8/9 .... BUT right now - the outlook is that Solar Panel prices will rise quickly and steadily ONCE one of the majors raises their prices and then the rest all follow suit ...
Note to self: Stock up on ammo so I can defend the solar "farm" on my RV rooftop. Zombies have been moved down to #11 on my list of things to worry about.
good luck finding ammo.

I know. It's like back in the first couple of years of the prior administration. Even .22 LR was scarce and mucho dollars. My father-in-law gave me a brick of .22 LR for Christmas back then. That was a great gift.

I have enough rounds for my hunting rifle and pistols. If things get really back I'll dig into the 1,000 rounds of 7.62x54R that I have for the kid's Mosin Nagant rifles.
I know. It's like back in the first couple of years of the prior administration. Even .22 LR was scarce and mucho dollars. My father-in-law gave me a brick of .22 LR for Christmas back then. That was a great gift.

I have enough rounds for my hunting rifle and pistols. If things get really back I'll dig into the 1,000 rounds of 7.62x54R that I have for the kid's Mosin Nagant rifles.

Yeah i figured something was amiss when at a couple of our sites the guards went from old guys with a six-shooter to young guys with reflective glasses and M-4's ...