diy solar

diy solar

Power saving tip


Solar Wizard
Dec 24, 2022
I solved a problem I was having that I thought others might benefit from. Well at least those of us that keep fish for pets :)

The wife and I had the brilliant idea a few years ago to go in to the fish raising biz. Betta fish, snail, angel fish, etc.

Then prices dropped like rocks and we lost interest. Well we managed to sell off the snails(things breed like you wouldn't believe) and some of the fish and the bettas that didn't sell died of old age (very short lived fish).

Anyways were down to one 55 gallon tank now which rocks but the cost of running a fish tank is surprising high when you notice the power it uses. The pumps and stuff are not that bad but the tank heater is 300 watts and that runs a BUNCH in the winter (old house so that wall its on doesn't help matters).

The idea I came up with was the insulate all but the front of the tank and it really cut down on the heater coming on. I never thought of this in the past and especially wish I had of thought of it when I had about 20 tanks going. Figured I would share in case it might help others keeping fish.
I grew up keeping fish. for about a decade I had a tank around. I really enjoyed watching them swim around it was rather relaxing. I also grew up on the grid... Now living off the grid for 7 or so years. If I were to consider keeping some fish it might need to be fish which have no heat requirements...
Madam has koi.

Being in Thailand means no heat requirement but with their air pump, filter pumps and UV thingy they are by far the largest single consumer of electrical energy, not to mention special colour-enhancing food :(

But watching them makes her happy. Happy wife = ... :p