diy solar

diy solar

Powerurus 100 ah 12.8

I wouldn't buy 12v batteries to put in series.
What he said - but more wordy

If you want 48v buy 48v - it is heavier, but way less trouble.
Way less connections to get hot.
No chance of drift since one BMS controls all 16 cells or whatever is inside the battery.

If you insist on going with 12v strings include in your cost calculations an active 4 lead 12-48v balancer per string to keep them from drifting apart due to internal resistance.

Include the cost of class T fuse and holder per string to be attached at the bus bar.
Include MRBF fuse and holder per string to be attached at the battery post of the lead battery

Include another class T to be attached at the uplink between the bus bar and inverter no matter which way you go.
One other note - Do a lot more research on the different topics - MANY of the things I thought when originally researching solar and batteries are completely wrong or questionable at best.