diy solar

diy solar

RE+ solar conference is fast approaching! What new products or booths are you interested in?

I want to see more wall mounted battery options with high amps (200+)
That was a very long day. Voice box is dead.

Took a ton of pictures and had a great time with lots of distributors and manufacturers.

Except sol ark. They asked me if I work for EG4 and I said I am not on contract with anyone. I said I sell sol arks as well and he didn't seem to like me saying that. They also asked why I didn't sell their pyte batteries and they were over priced and the system they had looked pathetic. Huge mess of wires on the side and each 5kWh pack was $1799 if I remember correctly. No screen, small gauge amphenol connectors. Looked like the lowest quality server rack I've seen yet. I also felt some attitude from the guy I was talking to. The lady was nice.

It changed my opinion of sol ark though. I work with everyone, I am brand agnostic. That's how I make money. This guy didn't seem to understand that.

Everyone else was awesome!!! Had such a great time!
That was a very long day. Voice box is dead.

Took a ton of pictures and had a great time with lots of distributors and manufacturers.

Except sol ark. They asked me if I work for EG4 and I said I am not on contract with anyone. I said I sell sol arks as well and he didn't seem to like me saying that. They also asked why I didn't sell their pyte batteries and they were over priced and the system they had looked pathetic. Huge mess of wires on the side and each 5kWh pack was $1799 if I remember correctly. No screen, small gauge amphenol connectors. Looked like the lowest quality server rack I've seen yet. I also felt some attitude from the guy I was talking to. The lady was nice.

It changed my opinion of sol ark though. I work with everyone, I am brand agnostic. That's how I make money. This guy didn't seem to understand that.

Everyone else was awesome!!! Had such a great time!

Cromer, who was manning your booth? They should have been nicer to Will.
@Will Prowse

I would be very interested to know with all this Overloaded/Stressed electric grids in Texas and elsewhere and push for more PEVs if any of these vendors /manufacturers, etc are putting any pressure on legislation, lobbying, etc to ease some of these over reaching power company requirements that make it so difficult for Diy Grid Tie systems to get authorization even with meeting UL & NEC /inspection requirements??

Not to mention some of the ridiculous Sell ALL requirements I've seen mentioned in the threads from others vs storing and using your own electricity.

I know these things really depend on the State/county & PoCo requirements for where you live, but it seems to me there needs to be some sort of federal legislation to protect actual people like those here that want to invest in their own solar setups...
doesn't the Gov't want people to move to renewable/solar energy and Electric vehicles? (It's Retorical as I'm sure gas & PoCo have the bigger pockets for self interest).
@Will Prowse

I would be very interested to know with all this Overloaded/Stressed electric grids in Texas and elsewhere and push for more PEVs if any of these vendors /manufacturers, etc are putting any pressure on legislation, lobbying, etc to ease some of these over reaching power company requirements that make it so difficult for Diy Grid Tie systems to get authorization even with meeting UL & NEC /inspection requirements??

Not to mention some of the ridiculous Sell ALL requirements I've seen mentioned in the threads from others vs storing and using your own electricity.

I know these things really depend on the State/county & PoCo requirements for where you live, but it seems to me there needs to be some sort of federal legislation to protect actual people like those here that want to invest in their own solar setups...
doesn't the Gov't want people to move to renewable/solar energy and Electric vehicles? (It's Retorical as I'm sure gas & PoCo have the bigger pockets for self interest).
I don't believe the Texas grid was overloaded. Call me a conspiracist(enron anyone?) but I believe the grid was designed to almost max out every day so the players could get their $5000 per megawatt hour.

When demand was 86gw, capacity was 88gw and they were getting $5k

Then demand fell to 77gw, and capacity somehow fell to 79gw and they were still getting their $5k/mwh

The might be some clues here
According to another post, SMA is apparently discontinuing Sunny Boy in favor of SMA Energy. Can you verify this? And let ‘em know that the off grid folks aren’t too pleased.

Is there really any difference between Sunny Boy, Sunny Boy Storage, and Sunny Boy Smart Energy besides firmware?

SBSE has one input dedicated to battery, don't know if that could have been configurable as PV or has extra hardware for bidirectional. The model line extends to higher wattage, should be a good fit for off-grid. One 11.5 kW SBSE per SI.

If @Will Prowse does visit SMA, "Will Sunny Boy Smart Energy work with Automatic Backup Unit to provide a split-phase backup solution?"

I've submitted that question to SMA, also asked how battery discharge, charge, PV, and grid will interact during frequency shift (especially as used behind Sunny Island.) No reply yet.
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Here are some photos from the show! I just took pictures of things that interested me in no specific order:

So many cool products. The flow batteries and thermal management for utility scale storage modules were my favorite!

This show was entirely overwhelming. And there was no internet connection in the building at all. I did check back on this thread, but I could not for the life of me find individual vendors. The names on the map would not even match the vendors that were there at times. If you like solar, it is a fun time, that is for sure! But a lot to take in!
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Here are some photos from the show! I just took pictures of things that interested me in no specific order:

So many cool products. The flow batteries and thermal management for utility scale storage modules were my favorite!

This show was entirely overwhelming. And there was no internet connection in the building at all. I did check back on this thread, but I could not for the life of me find individual vendors. The names on the map would not even match the vendors that were there at times. If you like solar, it is a fun time, that is for sure! But a lot to take in!
Wow! Very cool! And those Sol-Ark batteries looked interesting