diy solar

diy solar

Seplos RS485 inverter Voltronic

Problem was fixed by installing a new voltronic compatible firmware on the seplos bms "CAN1101[V16 06 01_PN01_230328_9600](Voltronic1)".
You need to use the CAN port with a RS485 cable, then it will work with any infinisolar, axpert, etc. inverter.
Can you give some more informations for that: which protocol I have to select on Seplos (Voltronic RS485) and on Inverter side (LIB)? Thank you for any further information.
No, not LIB. It's all pylontech protocol.
On Axpert's choose "PYL".
On my seplos V10E I set rs485 protocol once to Grotwatt, then back to Pylontech. But I guess this would not have been neccessary.
Most important is the correct cable wiring.