diy solar

diy solar

Seplos sent the wrong Mason unit, mediation stranded


New Member
Jan 28, 2023
First time poster, long time lurker here.

I'm building my first energy storage system and recently ordered a Seplos Mason 280 DIY kit along with a set of pre-made 2 meter 50mm2 cables (mainly so I wouldn't have to worry about their odd connector). I ordered via Alibaba, talked to Cassia from Seplos.

Fast-forward 6 weeks and the package arrived, but they accidentally sent me the Mason 280L white vertical unit instead of the black rack-mount version! The cable was also "wrong" - it came with M8 lugs in both ends since the vertical unit uses standard connectors. The space I'm installing everything in cannot accomodate a vertical unit, so I asked them if I can return this one and they send me the correct version.

I opened a dispute on Alibaba and asked Cassia to either send me the correct unit and let me return the one I have, or alternatively let me keep the vertical unit and get 50% discount on a new correct unit (along with the correct cable ends). I figured I can either sell or try to use the vertical unit at some point, and in my opinion I'm being generous in even considering to keep it. The initial response from the seller was if I would be content with the vertical unit and a 50 USD discount...

Today I got a response that Cassia's manager apparently doesn't approve of a 50% discount, and countered with 25%. I said I wouldn't accept that and that I then insist on returning the unit.

I'm running out of options here. I can ask to mediate but I'm afraid they'll just side with the supplier and I'll be left 700 USD shorter with a unit I don't want, or possibly with a meaningless rebate. What would you do? Has anyone had similar experiences? Is it practical to return two large parcels all the way to China (I'm in Finland).

Any help appreciated! Including if anyone in Finland is willing to take the vertical unit off my chest so to speak :D

Attached a screenshot of the official order just in case there's any doubt as to whether it's unclear which version I actually intended to order

Update 2024-01-10:

After four weeks of excruciatingly slow communication back and forth with both Seplos and Alibaba's trade assurance dispute handler the conclusion is that I won't be getting any money back and I won't be able to return the product. The closest to a "return" they could come up with is that I ship the product to another customer, who then gets a discount from Seplos because it's technically a used unit. Meanwhile, I would get nothing.

I made careful copies of all conversations, filed a chargeback request with Nets (MasterCard's "handler" in Finland, or whatever) as a last resort. I have very low hopes of ever being able to get a single cent back.

Lessons learned:
  • no matter how careful you are when ordering something on Alibaba, there is a possibility that the seller will simply screw up and send you the wrong shit anyway
  • you will have no recourse
  • Alibaba will not help you, tell everyone to go fuck themselves immediately and file a chargeback request.
I have linked this discussion to them to show how indescribably mad I am at their abysmal customer service.


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Shame you're not in the UK... Those cases are becoming quite popular and I'm sure some people would jump at the chance to get one at a well reduced price!
Latest reply from Seplos is 440 USD shipped for a rackmount version. Still having to confirm whether it includes those pesky connectors or not.

EDIT: 470 USD with connectors
You didn’t get what you asked for make them take it back open a dispute and if that doesn’t work do a credit card charge back
I wonder if someone else (in Finland) got your case ....?
To me you should get what you ordered at no additional cost to yourself. If they want the upright case back, let them pay for shipping!! If you had ordered a television but got a refrigerator.......? What's the difference?
Thanks for the advice, I respectfully declined their offer of ~420 USD, updated the trade assurance dispute and insisted that they let me return the unit in exchange for what I ordered, at no extra cost. I'll try using the "ask to mediate" button if it doens't go anywhere.
I would not have offered to return but allow them to pick it up at any reasonable time, you then don't pay.
Tried to be as clear as possible in the dispute, let's see where this goes.


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Interesting that they sent 50mm2 cable ! I thought 35mm was sufficient, though I suppose if the cables are about half a metre (yard) then it's not so critical ...? Or did you order that size specifically?
The AliBaba process works but it's slow & right now they are in Holiday Mode as well... That won't help for a few days.
If you used a Credit Card, you can leverage that as well... Do not waste time on that, CC companies can be weird at times, look into a CC Dispute as well and start the process concurrently. Alibaba is an Agent but can force Seplos to take a corrective action but done through all the steps. CC companies can be helpful in this as well.

Worst case scenario, your stuck with what you received BUT as others have said, the cases are popular and it likely would be pretty easy to move it out the door. Don't discount it, Full Pop !!!
Interesting that they sent 50mm2 cable ! I thought 35mm was sufficient, though I suppose if the cables are about half a metre (yard) then it's not so critical ...? Or did you order that size specifically?
They seem to offer two options, 25mm2 and 50mm2. I figured since I'm aiming to actually use close to the rated capacity (200A) and need at least 1,5 meters I might as well go for the thicker cable.
Interesting that they sent 50mm2 cable ! I thought 35mm was sufficient, though I suppose if the cables are about half a metre (yard) then it's not so critical ...? Or did you order that size specifically?
For a 200a BMS, you need 50 mm
Alibaba is more than an agent, they keep the sellers money from their customers in escrow until buyer confirms delivery plus the dispute window. As Seplos are doing regular business on Alibaba there is always a lump of their money in Alibaba's hands that can be used as leverage so do get the dispute raised within the timetable.

On AliExpress the dispute process works best when you supply screenshots of the listing, paperwork and what has been received, which is what you have provided. So buy an item listed as having Android 12 then show Aliexpress a screenshot of the original listing and a photo of the app screen that searches for the real Android version on the device is not 12 and you are guaranteed a 25% refund.
I never confirmed delivery but I still got an e-mail a few days after receiving the goods that the escrow process or whatever has been completed. Absolutely no idea how it happened

We acknowledge that you are satisfied with the shipping information for the Trade Assurance Order 1916768XXXXX (as you neither confirm the shipment nor request a refund within the given time period).

Now we suppose the goods shipment has been completed, and the supplier’s Assurance Amount of 720.00 for this order has been unfrozen.
Only way to get Alibaba's attention is to file a credit card dispute. I'm sorry but Alibaba always tells you to "work it out with your seller" I don't know but they always protect the seller.
I just filed a credit card dispute just in case. The seller has 3 days 14 hours to respond to my Alibaba dispute, let's see what happens. I'll click "ask alibaba to mediate" if they don't agree to ship a new one and let me return the one I got.