diy solar

diy solar

Spam Attacks

Same here. Wear a hard hat and a vest, walk in, and let them know someone a few floors higher reported an overflowing toilet. They let you right in...
Actually we used similar one time.

Construction crew outside and they had a WO# they used for access.

We stood around smoking cigarettes in the morning listening to them give the guards the number and just repeated it.

Walked right into a secure facility.

Needless to say that hole got plugged fast.
I worked for a point to multi-point wisp years ago, we had repeaters on multiple hospitals (they got free redundancy) ... The access we had walking around with laptop in hand and a backpack was alarming looking back on it. Never asked for credentials... Checking out the helipad was always fun.
Hmmm I think I still have gate keys for access roads to a few mountains somewhere.... Wonder if they still work.
Never did military PEN testing.

I do know guys that do it though.
Just requires more effort.

Special backing and skills.

Reportedly the group that provided the security had been grading and giving themselves high marks in the years prior.
The nun reached the bunker inside the secure facility and spent 2 hours there before being detected.
Of course, you adapt strategies based on target. Never did military installations, but have done power plants (including nuclear ones).
Wow, I only did pharma plants..

Although, the pharma co I used to work for was the biggest legal cocaïne dealer in the world , and due to logical regulatory messes was probably better protected than a bank
One time a few decades ago, my mother sees a teenage boy walking along the sidewalk across the street, she watches him walk up to the door of the neighbour's house, not knock, he tried the front door. It was locked, no car in the driveway. He walked to the next house. Hum she thinks.
My Father was out, so she is home and no car in her driveway.
She puts a pen and paper near the front door and waits there.
sure enough he walks up to the door, but she opens the door as he comes near, and this startled him, he was expecting no-one to be home.
"Can I help you" she asks.
She sees him think up a quick story, "uh, I am looking for my dog, yeah I lost my dog near here" he says.
My Mother says "oh, that is a shame, what is your dogs' name, what colour is your dog, is your dog a boy or a girl?"
The boy stamers but comes up with replies and is now flustered by her rapid fire questions, that he was not prepared for, he looks uneasyly at the street.
My Mother says, "what is your name and phone number so I can call you if I see your dog" and he tells her a name and phone number without any hesitation and she writes this information down on her notepad. "I will call you if I see your dog".
"okay, uh thanks, I gotta go" says the boy and he quickly goes, trying to avoid any more questions.

So a few hours later people come home from work or whatever they are doing and then a police car comes down the street - stops at a house a few doors over from my parents place. A little while later a police officer comes to the door "we have a report of a Break and Enter, wonder if you saw anything suspicious on the street today? My Mother says "Yes, would you like his name, and phone number" And YES the kid gave his real name and his actual phone number. LOL.

Catch someone off-guard and they can tell you things they shouldn't.
Naomi Brockwell on the Tubes ( does a pretty good job of translating security concepts from full on geek speak to simple straight forward concepts. I sometimes have my staff watch her videos. You are already off to a good start by NOT connecting everything you touch to the internet.

My 5 biggest security considerations:
  1. TNO: Trust No One. Every email and phone call is suspect until proven otherwise. Any request for anything of value (money, information, etc) requires in person or multiple contact points of confirmation. Email me? I'm calling you from the number I have in my phone, the last paper bill I got, or from the official company website I visit regularly. Not in my phone? I don't know you well enough to loan you money.
  2. Multiple points of contact:
    1. Multiple phone numbers - I'll use work # for a lot of things as scammers don't like calling businesses.
    2. Multiple email addresses - one for banking, one for business, one for social media, one for personal contacts. I don't use gmail/yahoo/etc for anything I consider important or private.
  3. Multiple devices:
    1. An old pc for financial: banking, paying bills, etc. Doesn't have to be fancy to do this. Use it for banking, utilities, turbotax, and don't use it to surf.
    2. A PC for fun/shopping.
    3. Limit what you use the phone for. I don't stay logged in to anything, I don't use it for banking beyond getting a text.
  4. Multiple browsers: Brave and Firefox for things that I log into that are not Microsoft and google, (Edge and Chrome for Microsoft and google), and use private/incognito mode when I am trying to figure out if a site is safe or not.
  5. Don't use "services" that are "free" and you don't understand. Assume every app you install on your phone is a)tracking you, b)selling any and all data they gather about you, and(notice I didn't say "or") c)trying to up sell you.
I'm 20+ years in healthcare IT/IS/Security and that's my typical rundown for family, friends and coworkers. Your behavior is your biggest security threat.

(I now return to your forum spam thread - and I thought spam on my email server was a headache, yikes)

I'll add, I use a virgin vm install of linux to do anything questionable and nuke/restore the vm afterwards. Browsers that identify themselves as windows. Two reasons, first I scan afterwards to see if anything changed I didn't expect. Second, I wipe anything that was done and restore in just a couple of minutes.
I'll add, I use a virgin vm install of linux to do anything questionable and nuke/restore the vm afterwards. Browsers that identify themselves as windows. Two reasons, first I scan afterwards to see if anything changed I didn't expect. Second, I wipe anything that was done and restore in just a couple of minutes.
Quit playing around on the dark web. ;)
Virtualbox/VMwareplayer/KVM-QEMU or even Hyper-V is always a win for researching unscrupulous activity, but I doubt the average user is gonna be doing too much of that. An old PC with Ubuntu or Mint or something for umm, some questionable content sites is not a bad idea.
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I'll add, I use a virgin vm install of linux to do anything questionable and nuke/restore the vm afterwards. Browsers that identify themselves as windows. Two reasons, first I scan afterwards to see if anything changed I didn't expect. Second, I wipe anything that was done and restore in just a couple of minutes.
Linux is your friend. I use Win10 for my management PC(laptop) at work and one for turbo tax and some odds and ends at home, but my office desktops, my home theater PC and most of the other personal and auxiliary work servers I setup are Linux. Fedora with KDE for work and Gnome for the HTPC and "play".

I hope I can get a linux equivilant of Exchange put together before MS forces it into "the cloud".
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Linux is your friend. I use Win10 for my management PC(laptop) at work and one for turbo tax and some odds and ends at home, but my office desktops, my home theater PC and most of the other personal and auxiliary work servers I setup are Linux. Fedora with KDE for work and Gnome for the HTPC and "play".

I hope I can get a linux equivilant of Exchange put together before MS forces it into "the cloud".
My place has been very dark since about 2005- it has no windows...
I have several different versions I have used over the years, but currently its down to Ubuntu (Bionic Beaver- you just gotta love the names they give their releases lol) for everything but the two old laptops used on the CNC stuff- those are running LinuxCNC

Ubuntu is good for those only familiar with Windows, as it is predominately GUI based so takes very little for windows users to figure it out (indeed there was a nice little 'desktop' mod for the older v16 one that literally made it look like and act like win7)- had a friend whose elderly mother wasn't good with change and was also 'click happy' online- which resulted in major infections every few months picking up nasties...
We installed the 'win7 clone' and she was a lot less likely to have her system crashed lol- for what she did, it worked 'exactly the same as it ever did' but had a 'different engine under the bonnet'- she just used it for surfing, emailing and messaging, and playing the 'inbuilt windows games'- and it did all that exactly the same...
Looks familiar. Hidden in a mountain near the Bay Area if I’m not mistaken.
It's some sort of stock photo used in dozens of articles

Approximately 50 B61 nuclear bombs inside an igloo at what might be Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. (Photo courtesy Federation of American Scientists)

The bunker may be in Great Britain:

Interesting rabbit hole.
You didn't think I snuck in a camera, or would reveal what I know, did you? ;)

Yeah, I've watched ordnance go off hidden in the mountains near Bay Area, etc.

Not on my watch!