diy solar

diy solar

Water Heater 110V or 240V?

magnet creek

New Member
Jul 27, 2022
I am looking for an Electrical water heater. Just need it for a shower so 20 Gallon or even less would be OK. I am powering it from a 10kW Growatt SPF with 2x200ah 48V LiPo batteries. I don't think I need quick recovery time per se.
Would it be better to go for a 240V option or would a 100V option be better or would it not matter for the system.
The smaller water heaters (6 gal) are 120v. When you get to 20 gallons, you start seeing 240v models. Most efficient to heat when the sun is shining, so I vote for 240v. Also consider a Heat Pump Water Heater. It will more efficiently use the power.
If you have 240v available. And you can get the appliance you want in a 240v version. Always choose 240v when possible.
The heating elements are generic and one can change for lower wattage, 2000 watts is the lowest I've seen for 240V and with the standard 30 gallon ones with two elements you can disable one for lower load but longer recovery time.