diy solar

diy solar

Code of Conduct Addition?

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Staff member
Apr 24, 2020
Somewhere South of Denver
While it's not in the official Code of Conduct, the issue of posting IN ALL CAPS is flaring up in a current thread. In forums, it's often an unwritten rule that you simply don't post in all caps. My dad does it all the time in email and even he can't explain why he does it.

The current Code of Conduct is nice and compact. I would hate to bloat it with a bunch of piddly stuff. Most forums don't explicitly ban posts in all caps., mostly because people understand that it's an unwritten rule that you don't do that. The Wordpress Forum Guidelines does call it out.

So is posting in all caps offensive enough to warrant adding it to the Code of Conduct?
I personally do NOT read the posts that are all in caps. I ignore them and read the rest of the posts.
As far as I am concerned it is considered the same as yelling at someone. I don't tolerate being yelled at by my wife, boss, or others.
If you can't be bothered to have the courtesy of speaking properly, and politely, I don't have the time, nor the patience to let you disrespect me like that.
While very annoying, it's not really something you can legislate. Seriously, set someone in a timeout for all caps? The most you can do is suggest they use standard paragraph formatting, and if REALLY annoys you, put them on ignore.

Morning Group!;) Well Im pretty excited and tired, up all night playin w this gettin ready to most likely try to do a series on this cause im not good at editing. seperate vids for each igntion setup. I can connect anything pretty much or figure it out. The tesing is for just maxing out what igintions I have and getting the dc cdi connected showing it works, veriffying the unlimited rating on the chinese garbage clones i have, see what the curves are for each yadda yadda, oh and plasma experimentaion.
If anyone has an igntion they want me to try, Ill do a couple just in case it gets outta hand on time on my end. First few people that say they have a igntion they paid for,lol, and mail it to me pay return postage Ill send it back when finshed. I have to get timing wheel mounted to engine, figure timing light still, odds ends.
Then we can get to melting some plugs,lol. One more thing and not to be a dick on this igntion stuff, even brother like i cant help you out and tell u exacttly everyting ive done on some of these setups ill eventually show u guys. WELL, wait a sec, I will help you by not helping you when people ask hows htis go or that, there is enough info Ill give so you guys can figure it out on you tube vids and google, anyone can do it, I did. Im doin you a favor by letting you teach yourself, I gave you the 2 sources too all the secrets,lol, yotube and google. I get un indated with people asking about the clutches and bearings and didnt mind helping,still dont w those but I cant brother this information ,times valuable for real, just like your is to you same here w me. If you get ignored do not take it personal, if someone does pm me for info and your ignored on that subject w me, do not take it personal ,if its to send me something sure np. If ya do get ignored and if it happens to you, just know most likely your not alone being ignored so this way none of u take shit seriously and get salty w me, I gave all kinds of stuff for free during clutch testing for myself, hundreds in shipping alone,free pads, a 15% return feedback rate holy fuk, lol that percentage is lame as fuck, no individual on blast but guys but that means 85% of all the texts, messeging in several boards, my funds, in front of everyone swearing youll let me know just results,all i asked, 15% hmm, they know who they are, and thanks you againb for real guys that did stay in touch. For the other 85% percenters, just know give shit meter is broken now as far as ever letting you help again or volunteer, I have a list of everyone who did me the favor during testing by gettin back w me. People who know me know exacctly what Im saying is true so it wont be on my conscience. I let enough people waste my time, take advantage of me, and spread lies and talked BS behind my back and try to ruin my business. Im not fuckin robert bianchi assholes, wake yur dumb asses up to the haters, u suck. I gave everyone who stabbed me 2 chance, anyone see anyone talkin trash about me knows I give 2 chances, well thats over 2 becuase of the hate. I got enough time to give a person 1 chance, u cross me goodbye as far as any interaction w me, you dawg me anywhere and i see it then Ill unfriend u. Im saying this based on my experience so far here in bikelife. Many other can attest to the occasional disfunctional people that do exhist, just keeping it 100% .... OK, There I'm all better now, healed, :) Oh one more thing just in general. Those people if you know what Im reffering to chance talk,if you have any concience, I hope your feeling at least a little hurt, I dont wish bad on anyone, but Im sure you can handle a sting. im reffering to the second chance guys, Tiny little group that it was;) bedtime fellas, have a good day!!!
I mean seriously, offended? Does it REALLY hurt you? Someone actually screaming at you is much different. Being mad at or otherwise snubbing someone for using all caps because they’re old school or visually challenged or for whatever reason (other than yelling at someone) seems overly controlling and childish.

I’m guilty of having been on the “don’t yell at me!” crowd years ago (I was just jumping on the bandwagon). It’s just a means for some unhappy control-freak in an irc room or a forum to exert control over someone else so they can feel better about themselves (there could be other reasons, but I think my statement is primary). Do capital letters hurt your eyes? Seriously? Someone already said, “are we going to legislate this?” This is a USA based forum, right? American principles, American rights, constitution...just sayin.

Morning Group!;) Well Im pretty excited and tired, up all night playin w this gettin ready to most likely try to do a series on this cause im not good at editing. seperate vids for each igntion setup. I can connect anything pretty much or figure it out. The tesing is for just maxing out what igintions I have and getting the dc cdi connected showing it works, veriffying the unlimited rating on the chinese garbage clones i have, see what the curves are for each yadda yadda, oh and plasma experimentaion.
If anyone has an igntion they want me to try, Ill do a couple just in case it gets outta hand on time on my end. First few people that say they have a igntion they paid for,lol, and mail it to me pay return postage Ill send it back when finshed. I have to get timing wheel mounted to engine, figure timing light still, odds ends.
Then we can get to melting some plugs,lol. One more thing and not to be a dick on this igntion stuff, even brother like i cant help you out and tell u exacttly everyting ive done on some of these setups ill eventually show u guys. WELL, wait a sec, I will help you by not helping you when people ask hows htis go or that, there is enough info Ill give so you guys can figure it out on you tube vids and google, anyone can do it, I did. Im doin you a favor by letting you teach yourself, I gave you the 2 sources too all the secrets,lol, yotube and google. I get un indated with people asking about the clutches and bearings and didnt mind helping,still dont w those but I cant brother this information ,times valuable for real, just like your is to you same here w me. If you get ignored do not take it personal, if someone does pm me for info and your ignored on that subject w me, do not take it personal ,if its to send me something sure np. If ya do get ignored and if it happens to you, just know most likely your not alone being ignored so this way none of u take shit seriously and get salty w me, I gave all kinds of stuff for free during clutch testing for myself, hundreds in shipping alone,free pads, a 15% return feedback rate holy fuk, lol that percentage is lame as fudge, no individual on blast but guys but that means 85% of all the texts, messeging in several boards, my funds, in front of everyone swearing youll let me know just results,all i asked, 15% hmm, they know who they are, and thanks you againb for real guys that did stay in touch. For the other 85% percenters, just know give shit meter is broken now as far as ever letting you help again or volunteer, I have a list of everyone who did me the favor during testing by gettin back w me. People who know me know exacctly what Im saying is true so it wont be on my conscience. I let enough people waste my time, take advantage of me, and spread lies and talked BS behind my back and try to ruin my business. Im not fuckin robert bianchi assholes, wake yur dumb asses up to the haters, u suck. I gave everyone who stabbed me 2 chance, anyone see anyone talkin trash about me knows I give 2 chances, well thats over 2 becuase of the hate. I got enough time to give a person 1 chance, u cross me goodbye as far as any interaction w me, you dawg me anywhere and i see it then Ill unfriend u. Im saying this based on my experience so far here in bikelife. Many other can attest to the occasional disfunctional people that do exhist, just keeping it 100% .... OK, There I'm all better now, healed, :) Oh one more thing just in general. Those people if you know what Im reffering to chance talk,if you have any concience, I hope your feeling at least a little hurt, I dont wish bad on anyone, but Im sure you can handle a sting. im reffering to the second chance guys, Tiny little group that it was;) bedtime fellas, have a good day!!!

Once you open the door to forcing people to adopt a specific writing style, you leave it open for people to start arguing about similar minor issues. Do we ban people for not using proper capitalization, or punctuation?

Language is meant to be very, very flexible. It's only a method to convey thoughts and ideas, and should not become the topic of discussion on this board.

If you CANNOT read a specific presentation without attributing an emotion or action (anger, yelling) to it - well, that's your brain's fault. Turn that assumption/bias off when you read their material, or pass on by and ignore them if you aren't able to do so.

If you aren't used to reading all caps, then it can require more time and effort. I'd advise you to stay away from certain law texts and legislation styles.

But enforcing a personal style on a forum with a variety of people , and adopting the attitude that anyone who comes here must not only be civil and reasonable, but adhere to a certain style of writing is only going to cause more problems.

Those who choose to use a nonstandard style are already shooting themselves in the foot, and receive the consequence of fewer people who are willing to help. We don't need to punish them further.

Lastly, I advise anyone who struggles with reading nonstandard styles to install and learn to use a plugin such as which, with a few simple clicks, allows them to choose the style they prefer to read.
Communication is a two way street. The poster has a responsibility to themselves to make their posts readable if their goal is to communicate their issue and get a solution. All-caps is a readability concern for most.

While I wouldn't object, I agree it's unenforceable.
I suppose you are free to ignore any posts that offend you. Ignored posters will modify their behavior or leave.
FWIW, for the thread in question, the all-caps response to users violated T&R, so those posts were deleted.
Just for the record, nowhere did I say that I was offended. Note that in that thread I responded with a helpful post without mentioning the all caps issue. Snoobler, thanks for the cleanup on aisle 1.

The problem with blowing off a post because it's hard to read is that the OP doesn't know that he or she is getting blown off for it. In the case of the thread I linked to, while the all caps issue was brought up sarcastically, the OP did get offended that he/she was called out for it. Since the forum rules don't address the issue, anyone pointing out the issue (in a non-sarcastic way) doesn't have a leg to stand on because it's an unwritten rule.

Like I said in the start of the thread, I really don't think we want the rules bloated. But not all posts are equally easy to read.
On several occasions, I have requested the OP address the readability of their post. If they adjust, I make an effort. If they don't, I unwatch. :)
<vaguely related digression deleted>
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All-caps is a readability concern for most..

Most of whom? Most of a small subset of the people interacting on the forum? That’s a very generalized statement. Is there supporting evidence? What’s the average number of unique visitors here, per day? Do you have any poll data with a response pool of “most” of that number?

I think that statement is an example of bias. I get that you’re communicating it is troublesome for your eyes, and I think the majority of people don’t do it. When it does happen on occasion is it really that big of a deal?
Something I'm concerned about in the world around us is the current trend of running people out of office or a job for current or past conduct that is constitutionally protected as freedom of speech or artistic expression. And the double standard that exactly the same language or behavior is considered perfectly acceptable coming from one person but not another, based on particular objective or subjective characteristics. Equal protection under the law my @$$

People have the (constitutionally protected) freedom to express their outrage. Or they can turn away.

Looool, suddenly this is turning to a politics?
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