diy solar

diy solar

Solar Sovereign -- Any experience?


Solar Enthusiast
Jun 24, 2023
I've been searching for vendors selling EG4 system and keep getting two-- Signature Solar and Solar Sovereign. I've seen several posts about Signature but when I search can't find anything on Solar Sovereign. Here is a listing from their website:

Has anyone purchased products from them? EG4 doesn't list them as a distributor.
Not sure about them, but sells them as well.
That seems to be the only EG4 product carried on the website you posted. Sovereign Solar advertises a bunch of stuff on Google but when you go to the website and search for anything (any brand or just clink on links to batteries or inverters or whatever) and it says nothing found.
That seems to be the only EG4 product carried on the website you posted. Sovereign Solar advertises a bunch of stuff on Google but when you go to the website and search for anything (any brand or just clink on links to batteries or inverters or whatever) and it says nothing found.
Current connected I think also sells the EG418kPV. I thought I saw it on their website. Maybe I'm mistaken
Current connected I think also sells the EG418kPV. I thought I saw it on their website. Maybe I'm mistaken
Yep, you are correct. It was the same price (w/in a buck or two) as Signature Solar.
I solar sovereign yesterday due to a 5% coupon in a Google search. I got an abandoned cart call back after 5 minutes which i thought was weird. Their "About Us" section references the company was started by Ashton Rakoske. There is a LinkedIn page under that name for a kid who allegedly has three months experience at a solar company. There's also a Twitter page with the same photo for a teenaged Valorent gamer. The address in TX is for a PostNet, which is like a Kinkos I guess. There's a lot of hallmarks of a scam which made me think twice. Maybe he's an aspiring entrepreneur? Seems a lot of risk to me.
Sovereign is legit. They are a sub-dist under the Signature Solar umbrella. He and the EG4 products he sells have the full support of our team. I can confirm he is not in it to scam. Just a super intelligent young entrepreneur trying to break into the solar game. He's been fairly successful so far. I hope to see him continue to grow.
Thanks Ben! Hey Guys, I just found this forum nice to meet you all! I recommend both Signature Solar and Solar Sovereign for all EG4 products :D

I am very young, but I wanted to start a company helping people get Solar affordably when I figured out half of these "installation companies" or all a big pyramid scheme getting people locked into 25 year loans with solar that's super overpriced!

If you guys have any EG4 related questions/solar feel free to email me @!
I wanted to chime in here and confirm that Solar Sovereign is a part of Signature Solar. I placed an order with Signature Solar. I did the checkout after leaving the items in my cart for a long time, and I didn't notice when I placed the order that the battery had gone on back order. When I realized it, I was upset. So I started looking online to find a company that had the same battery in stock. And I found Solar Sovereign. So I cancelled my order with Signature, and placed a new one with Sovereign.

Imagine my surprise when the delivery company called to schedule my delivery from a company called Signature Solar. I am not sure how the logistics work there. A little frustrating that Sovereign said that theirs were in stock, but it was a full week later before the order was listed as shipped, and my scheduled delivery was set for almost 2 weeks after that.

It may be that had I just waited, I would have received the one from Signature by about the same time. But I did actually save a few bucks by doing the shuffle, since Sovereign gave me a first time buyer discount.
Could any of you confirm you received your recent order from Solar Sovereign, and could you share your experience?
Mine is schedule to arrive Monday. I am confident, because it is the same trucking company as a previous delivery from Signature Solar, and they were very good. That said, I will report back Monday when I know for sure.
I have an order arriving today...a single EG4 LifePower Battery. I did order two more because Solar Sovereign's price plus shipping was much lower than Signature Solar.
Well. I don't know about @wildbillpdx (maybe no news is good news), but I received my battery today as scheduled. There was nothing wrong with the packaging, everything was there and fine. I put it in the rack, and fired up the system. All seems to be just fine!
Well. I don't know about @wildbillpdx (maybe no news is good news), but I received my battery today as scheduled. There was nothing wrong with the packaging, everything was there and fine. I put it in the rack, and fired up the system. All seems to be just fine!
My battery arrived and all packing looks good. I'm just getting started on my installation so I don't even have it out of the box yet. Probably several more days as I juggle roofers and solar installers for my grid-tie system.