diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Looking for used 250 watt 24v panels in Missouri

    Good to hear about the snail trails! I ended up going that route instead of the cracked vinyl backs. As realistically I can only fit 10 more panels on my roof in the best sun areas anyway so the 20 panel deal wasn’t optimal. My two wood stove chimneys are both on the south side of the roof too...
  • Post in thread: Nickel cadmium batteries

    I guess I have experience with ni-cad as well but I just didn’t even realize I was looking at the same beast here. I used to have to deal with ni-cad drill batteries that left a sour taste in my mouth from improper charging. But those I thought didn’t have liquid in them. These have...
  • Post in thread: Unsuccessful wind turbine story

    Thank you guys, the more I think about it the more I like putting the batteries up at the tower and getting a small 24v inverter to send ac 120v to the house. For a multitude of reasons. #1 is then I can disconnect my charger from the wind turbine completely in the house for when we have storms...
  • Post in thread: Charge controller compatibility with lifepo4

    I agree with you, to be honest should I even wire it up or just send it back? Probably $40 wasted.
  • Post in thread: Unsuccessful wind turbine story

    That’s true, I can just put the batteries up there and let it rip for awhile and see what kinda power it’s producing. And maybe I’ll get some high wind days where I can actually monitor the voltage it’s putting out
  • Post in thread: Nickel cadmium batteries

    Oh I totally understand, it may as well be to me though. The static water level in my well is 11’. Too close for comfort to bring anything like that around. And to be honest I was just excited if they were nickel iorn batteries. They interest me just for the long life span and their ability to...
  • Post in thread: Looking for used 250 watt 24v panels in Missouri

    I just put in an order for 10 of the 250 watt Canadian solar snail trails. Reading some conflicting information on the snail trails but I’m willing to roll the dice on them. Crazy to think I paid $264 per panel for the exact same panels probably 7 years ago lol.
  • Post in thread: Advice on wood shop motors in off grid setting

    I’m thinking a dual powered shop will serve me best. A small 240v sub panel from my house for the everyday loads, lights, battery chargers and outlets for my metal working tools. (I’ve got a small grizzly mill/drill 1.5hp I believe and a small lathe that’s around the same size) and then a...
  • Post in thread: Advice on wood shop motors in off grid setting

    I think 3 phase would require different motors wouldn’t it? The little bit of research I did (as these machines are often 3phase and 3 phase models are cheaper as it isn’t a common grid connection around here) was that you would have to swap the motors to go that route.
  • Post in thread: Unsuccessful wind turbine story

    Good evening everyone! I’m here to post what at this point feels like a complete failure. Partly due to me being gullible and used to dealing with honest people and partly due to someone being willing to sell me what I asked for ??‍♂️. A little back story on my system, started with solar and fla...
  • Post in thread: Unsuccessful wind turbine story

    To be honest Robby I’m not great with a computer lol. Mine died several years back and with a smart phone I ended up using it instead. I need to get one just for projects like this. The charge controller I have does at least show kWh produced to date so I will not be completely shooting in the...
  • Post in thread: Advice on wood shop motors in off grid setting

    Oh good grief!! $150,000!!! That’s insanity. I was talking to one of the local business owners here who has a small engine shop and was adding on another building and looking at adding an additional 400 amp service. I assumed 3 phase as he’s in the middle of the industrial part of town but he...
  • Post in thread: Unsuccessful wind turbine story

    And actually! I think I have an idea. I have remote cameras that if plugged in can record constantly. So I could set a camera to watch the screen and then just review the footage. Kinda a redneck back door data logger right??
  • Post in thread: Advice on wood shop motors in off grid setting

    I’ve definitely looked into them, the worst part is I’m not sure the negatives outweigh the positives in my use case. First off another engine to maintain (battery, coolant, oil, keeping stupid mice out etc) and in the used market I’m looking at $5,000+ for a machine that’s got 5-15,000 hours on...
  • Post in thread: Advice on wood shop motors in off grid setting

    That’s definitely a good thing to keep in mind! I’ll look into it. If nothing else it might help the inrush current more manageable for the tractor. I posted on a tractor sub over on Reddit looking for people with experience doing what I’m looking to do and one member had done basically the same...
  • Post in thread: Impractical but fun: Home pumped hydro!

    That’s pretty cool! Gives me lots of ideas to spend money and probably not get anywhere ?
  • Post in thread: Advice on wood shop motors in off grid setting

    Yeah? 3phase is something I have 0 experience with lol. It runs right overhead my shop in town but my experience has been getting a transformer and pole set to go 3 phase and the included electric bill (shop is currently not hooked to the grid at all) are astronomically expensive $10-20,000. The...
  • Post in thread: Looking for used 250 watt 24v panels in Missouri

    Well that was pretty fast! Panels arrived and I’m very pleased with everything except one panel. All the other panels have 2 or 3 snail trails, and otherwise look very good. But one panel has some discoloration like from water intrusion and looks like the white backing has some pretty severe...
  • Post in thread: Advice on wood shop motors in off grid setting

    Yeah 😞. I’ve definitely heard some mixed opinions on them… some seem to really get along good with them but some absolutely hate them. I do have a quick attach and hydraulic top link on my 3 point so it’s only a 5-10 minute operation to swap implements, inevitably the implement I need is never...
  • Post in thread: Unsuccessful wind turbine story

    Caveman terms?? ?
  • Post in thread: Advice on wood shop motors in off grid setting

    I think I’m probably pretty far over the limits of what my system is capable of unfortunately. My bigger inverter is only a 6,000 watt 18,000 watt surge (supposedly).
  • Post in thread: Eve LF280K 6000cycle rated for solar at .5C 32cell build

    Oh also, you notice 10 battery cycles? I put the batteries in service June 26 lol. Looks like im not going to be too worried about them cycling to death
  • Post in thread: Looking for used 250 watt 24v panels in Missouri

    Thank you! I had actually looked at them before but the 14 hour drive to Georgia was a bummer. But I just remembered my family will be down there for a rodeo next week! So I’m currently working to fill a stall in the horse trailer with panels ?. Any advice on the panels with cracks in the vinyl...