diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Is such a thing as off grid internet possible?

    People and their conspiracy theories! Look, Congress provided us the real facts years ago- It is a series of tubes.
  • Post in thread: Gangfeng 280 Cells

    Should the vent return to the 'sealed' look of the others when done venting? I don't know if my brain is too frazzled or something right now, but I'm not finding the chemistry of LFP electrolyte with some quick searches. Hoping it is something more innocuous than sulfuric acid? I was just...
  • Post in thread: Is time running out?

    Specifically the Compact FLourescents that were slated to replace the incadescents when they outlawed incandescents long enough to reap a few hundred billion for the lobbyists connected to those importing the new bulbs from overseas. Those ones that were labeled by manufacturers as lasting...
  • Post in thread: Mouse Chewed Inverter Data Wiring MPP Solar LV6548

    Or, if you are in a remote, wild area, they go enter the food chain to poison owls, raptors, foxes, coyotes, etc. The sticky traps are great for people who get bored with picking the wings off flies and hope to see something slowly starve to death. Snap traps work best, if you can figure out...
  • Post in thread: Wooden Storage Case for 24V DIY

    Found it! Offgrid Power Solutions Not sure if it will keep you awake, but a British accent hypnotizes me for some reason. I was looking at that build and thinking I could make a winter enclosure with heated pads to just drop that into. Possibly also a summer box if insects/dust show up as a...
  • Post in thread: Making the Grade

    Following recent discussions, I've seen that Docan is creating counterfeit QR codes to change the labeling from 'B' to 'A'. Some members here are promoting other sites that are honest and up front about these grades. It seems many of them recognize some value to the categories. I understand that...
  • Post in thread: Wooden Storage Case for 24V DIY

    Ray seems to trigger my OADD (Online Attention Deficit Disorder). His videos were a major time sink and it was hard for me to collate and retain info after going through them. I'm on a metered account so going through endless videos eats up my data allotment. That's why I liked the English guy's...
  • Post in thread: Where to place temperature sensor on enclosed LiFePO4 battery (for heater activation)?

    If you are concerned about the flammability of insulative materials, the article you link to mentions that PIR has been found responsible for the unusually incendiary nature of an apartment block fire in London. It also mentions that PIR will give off Hydrogen Cyanide when burnt and that toxic...
  • Post in thread: 2024 YouTube Video Ideas

    People in cold environments who realize the incandescent "inefficiencies" show up as radiated heat and retain them in the house envelope so they end up being more affordable, less carbon intensive, and usually more pleasant in ambience than newer subsidized solutions.
  • Post in thread: Best 280-304 to buy right now?

    Seems like with your other appliances, you could turn on the inverter for specific usage and save power with it off most of the time. With the AC fridge, the inverter will need to be on 24/7. Is 500Wh on a 14kWh system significant enough?
  • Post in thread: Coming to LiFe

    This would allow me to use my current charger, but I would end up with 2/3 the power as if I bought 8 300ah cells, and they would take up twice the space, require extra hardware, all for roughly the same battery price. Are there other benefits to having more low powered cells? When I was first...
  • Post in thread: Beginning of the Endotherm

    I currently supplement my small storage bank by charging devices directly during the day or when i drive to town. My solar station is an unheated shed. Almost everything is lithium ion. I've read up on all the problems with charging LFP below freezing here and have heating pads for the new bank...
  • Post in thread: LFP Safety

    Thanks, that actually helps a lot. The one I came up with before remembering the brand name of mine was Seems to me written like more of a narrative- I didn't see the paragraph at the beginning of section 2 at first and the...
  • Post in thread: LFP Safety

    I don't know about the 'green' advertising (though I have picked up the inferred sense of safety somehow), but it took me a few hours of poking around the net and this website to stumble across this info. All 'safety' text I've seen is about fire potential, nothing helpful about toxicity. The...
  • Post in thread: Is time running out?

    Do you know anyone willing to go lick up the tons of mercury those dipsh!ts legislated into our landfills while exploiting the green mythology?
  • Post in thread: 2024 YouTube Video Ideas

    A Crossover episode with Dan Carlin. Tell the story of social evolution and technological breakthroughs that brought us from Franklin messing around in his garage to a legion of techno nomads roaming around in land whales. Maybe someone can dig up some dirt on what really happened to Nikola...
  • Post in thread: Coming to LiFe

    So I saw the Ganfeng 280s come back in stock at 18650batteries, marked as 270s and $95 each. 8 of these in a 24V configuration will put me around 6.5kWh, more than I think I'll need, while helping out the budget more than the 30Xs would. Sounds like they will be here any day. I'm looking at the...
  • Post in thread: Coming to LiFe

    I would only be using a charger with temperature controls to prevent charging below freezing (though I'm confused after watching Will's Battleborn interview if the dangerous temps start at 40, 32, 25, a continuum...?). Is there damage that can occur from freezing besides the plates coating up...
  • Post in thread: Is such a thing as off grid internet possible?

    Might want to take greater care with reading comprehension, bub. That comment generated agreement that no one here was using Linux in order to save the pennies. It also proposed you were seeking a 'better way' to connect, not trying to ditch monetary contributions.
  • Post in thread: Cell prices coming down

    People don't heat with wood in the Ozarks?
  • Post in thread: Is such a thing as off grid internet possible?

  • Post in thread: Is such a thing as off grid internet possible?

    And there is a bit of a difference between not wanting to subscribe and not wanting to pay anything. Not sure what the OP has in mind, but that seems to be the relevant issue.
  • Post in thread: Is such a thing as off grid internet possible?

    So you think people generally use Linux to cheap out on paying for an OS?
  • Post in thread: What is your favorite off grid device-appliance-gadget?

    Is that a unit or did you just come up with something that fit over the stone?
  • Post in thread: Coming to LiFe

    Are there known differences of relvance between CATL, CALB, and EVE in that 30XAh range? Would looking up data sheets offer much of use to an aspiring but inexperienced enthusiast?
  • Post in thread: Why you cannot charge LiFePO4 below 0 degrees Celsius

    Reading through this thread to get a grasp on LFP thermal issues, I notice the unfortunate fact that almost every data point mentioned talks about 'the temperature of the battery', ignoring that what they are reading is actually the temperature of a sensor and rarely mentioning where it is...
  • Post in thread: Can we get a Dark Mode?

    So is dark reader the final answer? My Firefox variant doesn't want to install the extension. I usually use browser settings to change themes. I just got an oled phone for the enhanced blackness and battery efficiency, now i read they are prone to burn in from bright backgrounds...?
  • Post in thread: Interstate Offramp

    After a year of abuse and neglect, I finally picked up a tester and some distilled water and checked on my Interstate GC2 ECL-UTLs. All cells had water above the plates, and all tested in the middle of the green section except for one at the edge of yellow. It was the first one tested and when I...
  • Post in thread: Gangfeng 280 Cells

    I think these Ganfeng 280s were the ones 18650 had listed as "restocking soon" for the last few weeks? They listed them as 'in stock' yesterday and I tried to order 8, but they said only 7 were available when I went to check out. I went back today and I was able to put 8 in the cart. Then I...
  • Post in thread: Wooden Storage Case for 24V DIY

    Is there a good generalized resource that lays out all the factors to consider when building a DIY battery box? I've been looking through threads and videos for a while to find a simple but robust design I could adapt but found relatively few things applicable. Invariably I end up wasting hours...