diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: One cell (cell 2) discharging much faster than the rest of the pack

    All good now guys fixed the busbars and made sure to get better pairs and now it discharged well never above 0.030 diff voltage
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    I have 2 bms how would I go about pairing them so they share the same charging and discharging devices
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Im not sure how to connect a bms in paralel, but my main concern would be my other bms is only rated 150a discharge and 100a charge, whereas the bms im using currently is 200a charge 250a discharge. If I discharged over 150a would it trip out the lower of the two?
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Went to pull off the pavk after charging from dc to dc and after pulling 1000w the pack went down to 10.5 v the inv crashed and so did the bms, anyone know whats going on?
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    4p 3s 600ah pack one cell is not charging right, will it sort itself out if I leave it too or will it get worse?
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Went to pull off the pavk after charging from dc to dc and after pulling 1000w the pack went down to 10.5 v the inv crashed and so did the bms, anyone know whats going on?
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Do you think the cells could be not charged up properly?
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    The terminals are unbalanced as they are different cells with the same capacity, so different models of the same 310ah capacity. How level would they need to be to not have any problems? I finally got a day off work tomorrow so going to go about taking the pack apart, I have a 6v drip charger im...
  • Post in thread: One cell (cell 2) discharging much faster than the rest of the pack

    Reconnected them and switched a cell from location two to 1 and seems to have done something also removed the stepping busbars to make a more level connection. However I've kept the steps on the other side of the pack to see if it causes a drop there now instead.
  • Post in thread: One cell (cell 2) discharging much faster than the rest of the pack

  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    I dont think its a bad cell as I used the pack tjats having the volt drop last year and the other ones are new and had good voltage when I got them
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Thanl god cells are working much better now that they are all wired up with the two bms, still having some problems trying to change parameters and it not allowing me but I think thats just daly bms being bad. Put the active balancer on the bms that wasnt working for balancing and I managed to...
  • Post in thread: One cell (cell 2) discharging much faster than the rest of the pack

    Cell 4 seems to be draining fastest now so maybe it is just the lowest cells that get discharged first
  • Post in thread: Epever scc settings, float problem

    I've been having some problems trying to reach 100% soc on my 12v lifepo4 setup. I've got my max voltage at 3.525 (14.1) but I only reach about 75% after a couple sunny days as my float voltage of 13.6 limits the current way to early to get to 100% soc. I've tried setting my float and boost...
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Thanks for the response, I dont have anyway of testing capacity unfortunatley. All ive gone off is the voltage and they are all similar voltage now until I start trying to use them. I just dont understand why they would show good voltage if theres no current in them.
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Thanks for all the responses guys, im going to make some changes to the pack now starting with the balance cables and also trying to compress them together more to avoid terminal stress. I fixed the voltage issue yesterday by moving one of the overcharged cells and swaping it with one of the...
  • Post in thread: 14.1 float voltage

    I've set my float voltage to match my boost as 13.6 was stopping the battery from being able to fully charge, I would prefer to disable float nut will this option work too?
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Im also having a problem of the bms shutting off whenever its not being charged meaning it wont work for discharge as the negative is unoperative
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    So should I charge my cells up to max and see if the capacoty sorts its self out after?
  • Post in thread: Generator for appliances or battery charging?

    Hi guys, it's heading towards winter in the uk and I'm starting to realise that my solar setup is not going to be enough to keep my batteries topped up. I have a dc to dc setup for 60a but I don't want to always be driving. Should I invest in a generator to run my appliances through the inverter...
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    So I will charge them all up to max and then pair the lowest with oneof the highest and so on till I have a full pack then reassemble?
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Ok I will make sure to label and let you know how I get on
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    When u wire in paralel dosnt Perfect I have the setup and bus bars to do that and can fuse both of the positive connections to each bus bar from each pack
  • Post in thread: Generator for appliances or battery charging?

    I ended up resolved with the idea of using the alternator whenever I get low on battery and only using large appliances during winter whilst using a suitcase dual fuel generator I picked up. Hopefully a little solar and using the van should keep all the 12v and fridge running all winter.
  • Post in thread: Epever scc settings, float problem

    I have the bulk max quite low not 100% 3.6 but what will recommends at 14.1 3.525, it's just if I have the float at 13.6 it hits that quite quick and then barely charges so what I'm using it for I often do a whole day and have little charge to use in the evenings
  • Post in thread: Epever scc settings, float problem

    State of charge is measured by my daly bms yes, I have 600ah of lifepo4 batteries 12v 4p3s connections. I have 800w of solar on the roof connected to a 60a epever scc, I've now set the float back to 13.6 and set the boost to 70 mins at 14.1v I'm going to lower my batteries max voltage to 3.45...
  • Post in thread: Using an active balancer in a 2 4s with 2 bms config

    The photo is halfway through taking it apart to top balance the cells, but I'm using 2 bms with 8 cells and was just wondering if I should use one 8s active balancer for all the cells or if I should use 2 separate 4s active balancers when I put it back together
  • Post in thread: Generator for appliances or battery charging?

    Considered this but apparently we have no where to mount a second alternator, 600ah of lithium so alot of storage just no way to charge them without risking alot of new alternators
  • Post in thread: One cell undercharged

    Because the cells have different height terminals im having trouble laying them flat, so im going to get some washers to go underneath the lower ones today. Other than that I can do all the other steps.
  • Post in thread: Generator for appliances or battery charging?

    The problem is finding information on the charger and knowing if it would be good to use with a non pure sine wave