diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Running outdoor wire above ground while looking nice

    LOL why would I buy a router when the saw I have worked perfectly? The point of this post was to give people ideas, including how to use the common home DIY tools they have instead of running out and buying another special purpose contractor tool, and alternate options for materials, in this...
  • Post in thread: IoT: Voltage dividers & Arduino

    I'm definitely 100% getting into it. The real question is when, though. My primary goal with solar is to ultimately get into automation with sensors and relays, to optimize the system for goals, permitting fine-grained scaling, and improve safety. @WoodsieLord described the primary use case...
  • Post in thread: BLUETTI AC200MAX Shutting down after a few hrs

    Thanks! I am about to receive the AC200P and I saw them boast that it shuts off with under 50W of load, and thought, "dang, I hope I can easily turn that off." :LOL: Now, I know to look for ECO Mode.
  • Post in thread: Solar rumors, need answers

    I'm still using my Radio Shack ones, which you can find in any town, though I haven't been outside in years. Was going to take a pict, but remembered they are downstairs where I have been checking my battery bank voltage, and I'm only on my 2nd cup of coffee.
  • Post in thread: Round 2 Help!

    I'd say follow @Delta-V's advice and find a non electric way to cook toast. I personally love it best when cooked in my cast iron over an open flame. But, when my one cup coffee maker will draw 1350w for about a minute. And that is MISSION CRITICAL!!! I have made coffee on an open fire...
  • Post in thread: Solar dump load

    LOL need to trap his ass until he answers all our questions. He's doing interesting stuff.
  • Post in thread: Amazon Sucks Big-Time!

    A communist who likes Amazon. I don't even know how to reconcile that.
  • Post in thread: AFTER A SUCCESSFUL career in acting ..

    I was born in the modern era of wired remotes.
  • Post in thread: It’s Getting Complicated...

    Yes we covered that. Read the first page. ;p In a nutshell, he's having DIY addiction fun and vested in this path.
  • Post in thread: So here is My DIY "Kill-A-Watt" meter

    Drok puts it on the back of the unit: I created this page for the one I got, which includes this picture that I found to be more clear: There are two ways to wire it. Note in this picture there are TWO power sources, one for the load and one for the unit. This is the right way. If you...
  • Post in thread: Schematic/diagram/drawing tools for Solar

    Really really good question. I'm looking for something web based that we can work together on because it helps a lot when trying to help each other. Google Docs, which includes Google Draw, is the most collaborative web tool I know today. We can all work on one diagram together at the same...
  • Post in thread: My Solar Shed Construction Starts in a Week

    Has to be a virgin or you won't get 100 years out of them.
  • Post in thread: How Many Watts Do You Leave On The Table? (Small Systems)

    You have to do it naked in a full moon with a bottle of whisky in the other hand.
  • Post in thread: Anybody find a box of LFP cells on the side of the road btw LA and Oceanside?

    I wish I captured a video of the UPS guy trecking up my driveway in 18" of uncleared snow (I don't leave home much in the winter) with a dolly. lol Wheels don't roll well in snow.
  • Post in thread: How Many Watts Do You Leave On The Table? (Small Systems)

    How come no one considers turning computers on to absorb excess power? My computers account for over half my electric bill. I have plenty I can turn on if needed that are off nearly 100% of the time. One of the businesses I'm developing will allow you to generate revenue from excess...
  • Post in thread: Schematic/diagram/drawing tools for Solar

    Windows Paint? lol j/k @grizzzman I do consider that my fallback plan when I don't have the perfect tool for the job... not Windows Paint... don't use Windows anymore. But, boxes with text and lines to connect them. In the end, if it communicates well to the intended audience, it worked...
  • Post in thread: Grounding of solar panel

    @kernel "the average person makes over 1,000 false assumptions per day" is no exaggeration. I did my own informal studies in social environments, quantified, and calculated. 1,000 is a conservative estimate. I've also studied why we are so prone to false assumptions. I believe the reason...
  • Post in thread: Ground Mount Help

    In the OP, I'm asking for anything and everything that could help. Tips, lessons learned, picts. How hard is it for someone to share pictures of innovative they did in their mounting? I've captured as much as I can in the past 2 months, and am very happy with that. Yet, it still isn't enough...
  • Post in thread: Solar panel disconnect?

    BTW, a few things I learned since I got my baby box in March, which I still love and use as a primary switch after adding a combiner box later. It's how I can quickly disconnect PV by the inverter. 1> My stranded 4 AWG fits in the terminal holes easily of the 150VDC MidNite solar breakers...
  • Post in thread: Frustrated

    Is that an MPP Solar? If so, perhaps he could install to software to better see what it is doing. I looked at the Leafs after that, and it appears they may be Li-Ions. He'd have to spend some time getting to know the charge characteristics of the 24V pack, and perhaps try to get info on that...
  • Post in thread: Amazon Sucks Big-Time!

    SIGH.... Java was my core language from 2002 to 2016. I'm literally rewriting a system I build in 2016 in Java in Node today using TypeScript (TS). Today, for instance, I wrote code in both as part of the migration. This is way off-topic, so creating a new off-topic topic lol the Developing...
  • Post in thread: Frustrated

    Let's hope so. Cuz if true, then sounds like he's good to go as 26.5V is normal. That is what I'd see it quickly come to every day after AC charging w/o a load, perhaps within an hour or so. It would slowly drop from there, so you might see 26.2V the next day. I rarely AC charge it now that...
  • Post in thread: Will this work for pre-charging inverter capacitors?

    The part I'm not getting is how people are charging the caps w/o turning on the inverter. I assumed you had to turn it on to close the circuit. Do they typically have a way to charge w/o the inverter switch being flipped? I suppose one could easily measure. But, I'm in no hurry to play with...
  • Post in thread: MPP Solar LV2424 kicks butt!!!

    I Installed mine in the fridge. Two birds, one stone. Then I realized my fridge compressor is loud when it shuts off, and it turned on and off more frequently. So, I dug out a basement. Now I'm happy!
  • Post in thread: I am losing charge while charging!? HELP

    It is more efficient to use a 12V USB plug to charge phones than to go through an inverter. Though it is more convenient to plug into an outlet run by an inverter.
  • Post in thread: MPP Solar LV2424 kicks butt!!!

    UPDATE: Changing Solar power priority to Load-Battery-Utility had an immediate impact of directing more PV to the load. You can tell because while it is still charging the batteries, unlike yesterday, it is only a portion of PV production. Just multiply amps by 24V. It's been putting 24-48...
  • Post in thread: MPP Solar All in one remote monitoring

    I bought a $40 laptop from craigslist for this purpose. Plugged into LV2424 with USB cable. Installed TightVNC on it. And remote from all my other computers. I love it! BTW, I got TeamViewer to work, but had too many issues with it. Had issues with RealVNC. TightVNC was the winner!
  • Post in thread: It’s Getting Complicated...

    SIDE QUESTION: where can we draw this stuff online? One thought, though haven't tried, is Google Drawing (can create in Google Drive). We can share our schematics, copy to change, and work on them together. Here is a robust solar plan I just created:
  • Post in thread: Thank you ALL

    Did anyone use one of those modems where you placed your phone into two cups?
  • Post in thread: I Want to Know Why...?

    It does help to be aware of that. Thank you.