diy solar

diy solar

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  • Hurricane Ian in Cape Coral Florida

    This is why you should have a battery backup, we had power all through the storm and no need for a generator. All my neighbors smirked when I put up solar ground mounts which the city does not allow by the way we just took them down and stored till the storm passed. Now their solar panels are...
  • Eg4 Brightmount ground mount or Eco-worthy ground mount

    Which ground mount would you choose and why, I like that the eco-worthy is cheaper and parts can be purchase off Amazon. I need to replace my wood ground mounts which have served me well in the last 5 years but they are warping. Any insight you can give me good or bad would be helpfull.
  • Aptos 400W Bifacial Solar Panels

    Has any one used these panels from signature solar before ? Just wondering how they preform, looking for some for my pergola.
  • What would you install in my case

    I have a 5048 installed and its been great over the last year but now its time to add some more power. I am limited on space and would need to add another sub panel off the main so what would you install?
  • Camouflage solar panels

    Want to ask the group that live in town with neighbors on all sides, what do you do to make your solar panels not to stick out like a sore thumb ? All of mine are ground mount on pergola and shed and need to add more and don't want to look at a wall of panels in my back yard.
  • Electric car parts

    Has anyone tried these battery Banks? Preferred 48V 100Ah Lithium Battery Pack Can Be Paralleled 5 Year Factory Warranty
  • Eg4 6500 neutral problem

    Just ran my 4 awg wires from my ( AC IN ) from the inverters to my main panel. Shouldn't have a problem fitting the hot wire under the 60 amp breaker but the common neutral buss bar will only handle 10 awg wire. How do you over come it do you run several # 10's off the buss bar to a insulated...
  • What would you do?

    Hey guys I have been running a lv5048 for about 8 months now and had no issues but would like to expand my solar but can't because they do not make that model anymore. Was thinking about purchasing the lv6048 kit from santan solar and running 2 separate units. What do you think? Was going to...
  • Inverter mounting

    Need some input on mounting ideas on these inverters, don't really have the room to mount all 4 in a row on the bottom. How would you do it?
  • Transfer switch

    I have (4) eg4 6500 and wanted to wire in a manual transfer switch incase they go down for some reason what are some of you guys using and what amperage are they ? Was thinking something like this.
  • 4 eg4 6500

    Just wondering if any one is running (4) Eg4 6500 and is it able to run all the loads in your house ?
  • Bifacials or no Bifacials on Pergola

    Building a 10 x 30 Pergola in florida would you install regular panels or bifacials?
  • Main to sub panel wiring.

    I currently have a lv5048 installed and running 10 critical loads on a sub panel, I plan to upgrade my system to some Eg4 6500 to run the entire house. My question is how did you move your wires off your main breakers to your sub did you use wire nuts or terminal strips ? Or did you wire in a...
  • MPP LV5048 neutral question.

    Just wondering if you have to move your neutral wires from your main panel to your new critical load panel?
  • Panels calculation

    Hey guys need some help with how many panels I can hook up to this Mpp 5048. I have 25, 250 watt panels and it looks like I can do 3strings 4 parallel on each input and still be safe. Is this correct ?
  • (4) eg4 6500

    How many of you guys are running your 120v output of your inverters to a power distribution blocks or you using a breaker box ? I am going to be using a double pole switch before the sub panel, so I need a way to tie in all my wires before the switch.
  • What bms would you use ?

    I have read every post on BMS and still can't pick one. I have the following: LV 5048 with 16s 280ah lifepo4 what would be a good fit for this setup ?
  • Voltage on bottom of battery

    Has anyone seen this before? It looks like small hole in the bottom of the cell but not leaking any fluid. It's been in service for the last 4 months and runs a a little lower than the other cells but fine other wise. Would you reuse or replace?
  • [SOLD] Lv5048

    I have a LV 5048 for sale used it for 1 year and worked great, upgraded to the eg4 6500's. It was shipped with a small dent when I got it see pic. Will send transfer switch with it also. 600.00