diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    There does seem to be much on California install that are clear and spelled out so I’m at my wits end here having almost settled on a growatt 10kw inverter, some hypersomething panels 550kw, 14 of them, and that’s all I could brain in at the moment, if that’s even an expression. I’ve got a 7 mo...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    I found this: I was looking online and there was a webpage I lost which mentioned the Tigo connects with the growatt app, but I must have premium tigo service ($20 a year I think) I am...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    By iterations you mean you submit a plan and it may not get approved, and so you revise it, so on and so forth, until it gets approved? I'm keen on doing things myself, given enough time. I like to learn how to do things.
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    So I've been busy, but I've found the plan and design tool over at renvu, and I find it quite alluring that it will all be put together for me. I am not sure how accurate it is but now I am considering just using optimizers, the TIGO ones, with 400w panels, and a string hybrid inverter, the...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    I got a south facing roof but it's kind of narrow and complicated. 4.5m wide and 14m long. Complicated because the left six panels would be sitting on a addition to the house which the previous owners did not go through the permit process. It's probably not up to code so I don't think I'd be...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    Based on the photo the north side faces street so maybe I am in luck? I have 18" on each side except for bottom eave, and 18" from top ridge.
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    The Tigo ones say 700w. What do you mean how much voltage or current adjustment they can make? I have several trees that would shade a panel or two so I am considering the optimizers. They say they have RSD if I remember correctly, as well.
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    What do you mean "not monitoring or optimizer? It has to be a dedicated RSD device?
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    So a optimizer with RSD meets the requirements? Does the optimizer have to be on the CEC, do you know?
  • Post in thread: SolarEver 410w panels, are they good?

    I am not qualified to qualify a panel but I am considering buying 22 of these for my home install diy, but would anyone recommend these or have used these? I am going to pair them with TIGO optimizers and a growatt 10kw hybrid inverter.
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    Forgot to add *new roof. It was installed last month. Would I still need an engineering inspection? GROWATT MIN 7600TL-XH-US [240V] is on the CEC list and it says UL1741SA so I thought it be ok. I can purchase it at and the website also says • UL1741SA, CA Rule 21 & HECO compliant...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    How much did they charge you for the permits? Apparently the growatt while listed is not available with them even thought it’s on their site. But maybe I could get it directly from China. what panels and inverter setup would you recommend?
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    I agree that metric was a bit flunky. Maybe if space is a consideration? Where would one buy bargain quality name used panels in Cali? And what string inverter would you recommend? Renvue only has so many and not that great. Also, does setbacks have to be 18” on all sides? I have much less...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    That’s what I thought too. Roof over it is new as well. Maybe they will let it slide. I figured worst they’ll say is no and I’ll just have 6 panels less. But they won’t ask me to take it down. That would just be ridiculous as it doesn’t pose any risks and it’s not violating any setbacks etc...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    I wish I could just do it myself but the too many policy question marks abounding suffocate my initiative to a halt. I know it’s for safety but at the same time It’s annoying. I don’t even know if I am allowed to diy something like that. Or if I can but I need a permit. And if I do what the...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    I’d need maybe 40 mile commute so a 62kw battery with a 270mile range would need 9kw recharge so if I need to recharge over night maybe 2kw charger would be enough
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    if the "c. Weight of any ground-mounted or roof-mounted equipment exceeds 400 pounds." requires structural plans and structural calculations, so even with a new roof. Is that what the "engineering inspection" is for? To get this info into paper? Each 550w panel is 70lbs so one could only fit...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    Im half way through the interconnect form and stuck at the choose your equipment section. I can't decide what I want. And once it's decided there is no backing out of it after april deadline.
  • Post in thread: growatt 5000 US model - grid backed up self consumption - connection to main service panel

    Are you in San Diego by any chance? I am looking at the growatt inverters and see they are on the CEC list. Would you recommend them?
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    Well after more careful review the growatt seems to be just a storage inverter for ac or dc coupling, and not a string inverter as I had initially thought, so I am not sure I can use it for that purpose, even though it is listed in the CEC. I think I have made my mind to go with emphaze...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    I thought TIGO optimizers have mppt functionality?
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    True, in 20 yrs the technology will have advanced so much and maybe even nem 4.0 will happen and go back to the way it was, who knows what could happen. Now I’m bouncing back to micros… I could get them quite cheap on eBay. But I don’t know how compatible they are ( enphaze iq7+s ) with 400w...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    I don't know but that's what I got from speaking directly with a person at the NEM dep. of SDGE. In their DIIS form they make you state the exact panel and inverter used. I think I will go with the TIGOs. I am not sure about the MPPT you mentioned. I honestly just don't have the time to look...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    my nem appication says "pending AHJ inspection" so I guess I am solid for 2.0 nem?
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    It’s in the wall and line comes from the ground… But I talked with SDGE projects department and they said if I don’t need to upgrade panel then it doesn’t need to come up to code. My main breaker is 100a and my busbar is a big ? it has no markings , thing is a dinosaur. Probably I can de rate...
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    Lookup SDGE diis and there is an online portal you apply through. In there you choose you are diy and follow the prompts. You need a diagram and your system you plan with manufactures and stuff. But if you apply prior to Apr 14th or so you’ll be set with 2.0. Afaik
  • Post in thread: VSUN 400 vs SolarEver 410 Which is better? Anything else that is better around same size and color? The vsuns don’t mention PiD resistance so I am not so sure about them.
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    Nem department says grandfathering is from the submission date. I thought it was from approval date. So that’s good. Also they say you can change the components due to shortages as long as the change is to a system of the same or less size.
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    Assuming my setup with minimal shading and same orientation, how much more juice in % would a micro get vis a vis an optimizer?
  • Post in thread: California install newbie

    I think I’ve decided to go with the Tigos and the growat 10kw. It will be 2 strings of 11 410w solarever panels. The permit plan guys say that the inspector won’t even look at the unpermitted addition and mostly concerned with electrical. I guess they will look at the whole thing and see it’s...