diy solar

diy solar

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  • Daly BMS Temp Protection?

    The Daly BMS (model DL8S) feature set stipulates "temperature protection" but no details of any kind. I hate to assume anything, considering the cost of my bank, but does this device actually prevent charging should temps fall to clpse to freezing? Or does this mean high temp protection of...
  • Active cell balancer...that works?

    Hi all! I'm looking for an active balancer that's proven works. Minimum 1.2amp to 2amp per cell. As I'll need 12, price is also a factor. Any ideas?
  • Can you rename devices in Charge pro 2.0?

    I installed 3 mppt CC's which use Chargepro 2.0 to config. Problem is they all have the same device name in the list of devices within Chargepro, which is not only annoying but difficult to config the CC's. First time using it, so hoping there is a solution here. Thanks.
  • Epever Triron BT setup

    Having issues getting this thing working. Anyone have good instructions for it? Need to config for lifepo4's and apparently you have to do it via the software. Can't find a pin to connect BT either.....frustrating.
  • 8s BMS thats reliable and affordable?

    Been running my batteries just fine without for so.e time but have some cells getting a lottle out of range. Been looking for an 8S BMS with no luck. Not looking for the cheapest but not the highest either.
  • These BYD 3-4kw for $295 are a great price. But any good?

    I'd seen a lot of post and vids on these last year. Both good and issues with advertised power vs not so much... But I am considering getting 10-12 of these. I spoke with one of the reps and they are between 3-4kw, bad cells and a big plus is they're only a few hours from me. I...
  • Less than the power company challenge!

    Well, we met the new neighbors today. They seem like really great people. We only spoke briefly, but planned a little get together for another day. They had noticed all the solar at my place and seemed intrigued, especially after they got a quote from the power company to get power where they...
  • Whats the deal with Energy Usage ratings?

    While looking at new refrigerators online Im coming across 2 ratings of kwh/year. One for the US and another for Canada with differing values (Canada's always being lower). I know its what/how they test but which is why I plan to just go with the higher number but just curious is all.
  • Sourcing this JST connector

    This 13pin JST, inside the BYD bms thingy gives me the voltages for all the cells. If I can find the female that fits it, I can use it for monitoring functions. It's 13 pin, and is 25.4 mm in length. Any help will save me a lot of splicing and soldering...
  • Low voltage before generator charging.

    My setup allows for low voltage gen auto start. At what voltage do you start charging from genset on your lifepo4's? Currently I've been starting it at 25.8. To soon?
  • Refrigerator opinions and options please

    Currently have in our off grid cabin for the last 5 years a Dometic 12cf unit. Propane only as it draws a LOT of power on electric mode. I feel we have enough solar and battery now to go full electric. The DC units cost/size are pretty much a non starter and trying to stay more "big box off the...
  • Question on JST-XH

    I want to assemble my own 8s JST-XH balance and extension cables. I've ordered the crimp tool, and sourced the end terminals. However, Im not sure which size crimp ends that go on the wires, that then go into the terminals is. Any help on size/type and a US source for them would be great!