diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Did I Make a Mistake Buying This From Signature Solar?

    Thanks to those who gave insightful and constructive replies. Just for everyone's edification, I did do a load calc on what I am likely to be using, I have no need at the present for a split phase system. I did shop around at a few different suppliers and when everything was priced out...
  • Post in thread: Multiple grounding rods for solar panel install and electrical devices?

    Timselestric may have something to say about this. As far as I have learned, you want to bond all your panels and their racking together and run that ground line from the panels back to the inverters and land it on their common ground buss's, that is tied into the house mains ground buss, that...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone keep back up equipment on the shelf?

    I'm willing to bet my last buck, that if 1st and second stage filter caps were replaced on the AC side, at a minimum, (not to mention coupling and DC caps) after 5 years of continuous use, most everything electronic that fails after 5,6,7 years, could live well into 15 years and longer. For $40...
  • Post in thread: Sad seeing 148 unanswered threads in last month

    I read a helluva lot more than I post. Most answers, around 65% can be found with a little time and effort, not to mention everything else you learn along the way. If I read something I dont understand, I will ask confirmng questions in the same thread instead of splintering off and starting a...
  • Post in thread: Does anyone keep back up equipment on the shelf?

    Ya, like caulk guns, how many of those damn things does everyone have?
  • Post in thread: State sales tax being wrongly collected by equipment vendors, check your states laws!.

    Quite the little system they have, isn't it. Oh to be a subject to the Crown...
  • Post in thread: What's the best solar-related item you bought in 2023?

    I bought me a frigerator. Check out the current sippage.
  • Post in thread: Does anyone keep back up equipment on the shelf?

    Now there's one I didn't know existed. Interesting and grid tie, a new wrinkle... This solar deal becomes a big, deeeeep, dark hole once you start in. Thanks.
  • Post in thread: Eg4 LL not charging all the way.

    Might want to watch this. Kind of a top balancing procedure, but not quite the correct way to do it. Watch to end.
  • Post in thread: Did I Make a Mistake Buying This From Signature Solar?

    Just forget I asked, should have known, know it alls...
  • Post in thread: Multiple grounding rods for solar panel install and electrical devices?

    That was a cinch to discern within the first 5 seconds of the video. NEXT.
  • Post in thread: How long can Lifepower 48 Volt Batteries sit?

    Thanks Tim. Waiting on that cable to run the BMS test software to check cell conditions and possibly update the firmware for the 6000XP's. Might wait till system is running to update to preserve what charge they have.
  • Post in thread: Could I have Matched the Panels Better? Check my Figures Please.

    VDC is based on the VOC spec for the panels, from the spec sheet. Ya, last thing I want to do is cut the smoke loose...
  • Post in thread: Is Liquidtite classed the same for code as EMT and FMC?

    Thank You Sir.
  • Post in thread: Lifepower 4 Updating

    Check me on this please gurus, After reading, watching and digging around, looks like you have to update these batteries one at a time. Pull all 5 patch cables, set all addresses to zero, plug in one at a time and run the firmware. Then reset all dips for coms to inverters. (pain in the ass)...
  • Post in thread: EG4 6000XP AC out load wiring?

    Thanks for that FilterGuy, So just to be clear in my feeble mind: 2 hots, the ground and the neutral all connect to both of the XP's AC inputs and their G&N buss bars from the house/grid panel. Then, the XP's AC outputs, BOTH hot outputs, from both XP's, go to the new loads panel (in parallel)...
  • Post in thread: 6000XP Breakers. Explanation needed...

    Thank You Sir. That is what I thought. I just see allot of people connecting battery conductors these XP's with no OCP devices. As far as PV lines go, if a string is putting out 10 amps, that is all it will ever put out unless it suffers a lightning strike or something. I cant see breakers...
  • Post in thread: Hey Timselectric

    Agreed, whole heartedly! Thanks Tim.
  • Post in thread: Cloud edge effects... WOW!

    So when is someone going to come up with vapor sprayers? That magnifies the suns inensity just in front of the panels while keeping them cool?
  • Post in thread: Could I have Matched the Panels Better? Check my Figures Please.

    If it gets below15 here, I have far bigger issues to deal with. Tracking efficiency being best up to 385VDC seem like resources going to waste with a 480 max dc input..
  • Post in thread: Need Advice on Mounting Solar Panels to Wooden Frame and Grounding Off-Grid System

    Lightning protection is part science and part art. If you want to protect something, give it other, DIRECT, paths to ground. There isn't really much to see, other than conductors running down towers, a wall or down antenna mast's. Most everything that counts is in the ground. Other than that, I...
  • Post in thread: Solar Panel Tilt Test. What are your angles for 38 Degrees North Latitude?

    I was just looking for a hard stops for summer and winter for this rack design. I need to machine material and wanted to keep material removal to a minimum for strength. After taking averages from all the calculators, guess I will just cut it for the extremes of 12 and 66 degrees and find out...
  • Post in thread: PV Disconnects or breakers before the 6000XP?

    After talking to a couple different solar equipment places, turns out breakers on pv lines are worthless. Since panels are current limiting devices, if a panel puts out 10 amps, that's all it will ever put out even dead shorted. Only way a breaker could trip is if there was a lightning strike or...
  • Post in thread: Need Advice on Mounting Solar Panels to Wooden Frame and Grounding Off-Grid System

    You are right, it ain't cheap, especially these days. Only reason I have what I do, it is a byproduct from other activities.
  • Post in thread: Need Advice on Mounting Solar Panels to Wooden Frame and Grounding Off-Grid System

    Thanks Tim, that makes things a bit easier. One conductor for the entire rack, to both inverters. Just found this thread which I am examining.
  • Post in thread: Does anyone keep back up equipment on the shelf?

    Probably not a bad idea. Never hurts to keep those capacitors formed.
  • Post in thread: I'm an old koot

    Welcome sir. These guys know their stuff. Being 70 something myself, I started thinking I had bit off more than I could chew when I started unloading all the equipment and staging it for installation. I'm just going at it real slow for now. At our age every day is a new adventure, in...
  • Post in thread: Need Advice on Mounting Solar Panels to Wooden Frame and Grounding Off-Grid System

    Thanks Tim, back on the hunt. If I have to buy the 6, might as well get insulated.
  • Post in thread: Need Advice on Mounting Solar Panels to Wooden Frame and Grounding Off-Grid System

    So we are only talking about the OCP for the panel amperage. I was reading where some people were getting, I believe AC feedback to their racks.
  • Post in thread: State sales tax being wrongly collected by equipment vendors, check your states laws!.

    Before I send the tax refund form in, along with all the receipts they want, I have a question into my states tax authority asking if the small parts in the system like breakers, electrical components, hardware, etc are all also exempt. Should be as I see it, as it's all part of the completed...