diy solar

diy solar

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  • EMP

    Ok, what has everyone done to protect your home/system from a possible EMP? Steps I've taken are as follows: I've installed multiple Siemens FS PRO 140's on the AC side of things. I've also installed ferrites on just about all my power cords and lines. I did not go with the pricey ones from...
  • Vertical Bi-facial panels as privacy fence.

    So has anyone thought about setting up bi-facial panels as a privacy fence? I know some of us run into issues, running out of roof space limiting our potential gains. What are your thoughts pro's and con?
  • Question about settings?

    I just installed the EG4 Chargeverter along with the EG4 Solar Charger. They are working in conjunction with my two EG4 6500EX's and 6- Lifepower4's. I went this route as I had trouble with my original two EG4 6500's and had to send them in for warranty. Shameless plug here: SS handled the...
  • EG46500EX F80 when grid is added.

    Hello all! My system consists of 2 eg4-6500ex's in split 240v, 6 eg4 lifepower 4's, 16 Q Cell panels(400 watts), and 16 Boviet panels (370watts). The system has been up and running without issue since July 22 of this year. We've had several cloudy days recently so I manually switched the...
  • Thoughts (help with battery install)?

    Secured a new eg4 life power 4 battery. This brings my total to 7. I turned off everything as needed and wired the battery up after charging them all to full. I followed this turn on sequence. 1. Turned battery breakers on ( ensured all dips were where they needed to be before hand, the...
  • Bus Bar Size

    Need suggestions on Bus Bar size. Looking to add one EG4 LifePower 4 battery every other month and want to ensure I have my bus bar sized right. I'll have a total of 12- 48V batteries(I have 6 now that run to Pike Industries bus bars). Thoughts on size and company?
  • Help isolating noise in clip

    I've heard this before out of this inverter. This is a warranty claim inverter that replaced my original.
  • Victron Setup question

    Question regarding a Victron setup similar to the one Adam De Lay uses. 1)Does it run off batteries solely? As in the charge controller sends power to the battery and the battery in turn sends it to the loads. 2)Once the batteries are completely charged, does the charge controller send the...