diy solar

diy solar



Newbie to Solar here for Knowledge
Oct 21, 2023
Ok, what has everyone done to protect your home/system from a possible EMP?

Steps I've taken are as follows: I've installed multiple Siemens FS PRO 140's on the AC side of things. I've also installed ferrites on just about all my power cords and lines. I did not go with the pricey ones from but rather some I found through a little research. Supposedly the cheaper ones become saturated where as the pricey ones don't. I'm no engineer just trying to stave off any issues from an EMP. I still have to figure out something for the DC side of things, any suggestions? Also if anyone has tried any of this, have you gotten a lot on noise from the ferrites on the lines and is this normal?

Guess I'll never know if any of this will work until its needed, and at that point it may not matter much.

I'm also going to put two inverrters in a farady cage, two metal trash cans.

Have a good day all! Looking forward to the input!
Was watching a utube vid and how 29 of his 30 Enphase IQ7+ failed and Enphase would not honor the warranty due to it being a power surge from the AC side. The OP did take apart one MI and it looked like the AC side of the internals was fried.
An EMP happens, you will not be worried about your batteries, you'll have higher priorities if you survive it.

Solar Flares CME's on the other hand hit us regularly and teh few that can get through, are capable it nailing electrical grids & more... It's happened before and believe it or not, some major Solar Nasty will hit Earth within a couple of hours

NASA Warns Solar Storm Might Hit Earth Today Amid Increased Sun Activity​

MinorG1-class geomagnetic storms are possible late on November 25th through 26th when two CMEs might graze Earth's magnetic field.​

Science Edited by Ritu SinghUpdated: November 25, 2023 3:02 pm IST
An EMP happens, you will not be worried about your batteries, you'll have higher priorities if you survive it.

Solar Flares CME's on the other hand hit us regularly and teh few that can get through, are capable it nailing electrical grids & more... It's happened before and believe it or not, some major Solar Nasty will hit Earth within a couple of hours

NASA Warns Solar Storm Might Hit Earth Today Amid Increased Sun Activity​

MinorG1-class geomagnetic storms are possible late on November 25th through 26th when two CMEs might graze Earth's magnetic field.​

Science Edited by Ritu SinghUpdated: November 25, 2023 3:02 pm IST
I guess we'll know in a few hours.
An EMP happens, you will not be worried about your batteries, you'll have higher priorities if you survive it.

Solar Flares CME's on the other hand hit us regularly and teh few that can get through, are capable it nailing electrical grids & more... It's happened before and believe it or not, some major Solar Nasty will hit Earth within a couple of hours

NASA Warns Solar Storm Might Hit Earth Today Amid Increased Sun Activity​

MinorG1-class geomagnetic storms are possible late on November 25th through 26th when two CMEs might graze Earth's magnetic field.​

Science Edited by Ritu SinghUpdated: November 25, 2023 3:02 pm IST
Most of my other priorities have been met. Off site food storage at multiple locations, bug-out location etc. I was just wondering from a prepped mindset, what others have done or just ones thoughts in general. My assumption was that most folks on this forum go solar for independence.
If you’re concerned about EMP type events, purchasing spare electronics and wrap them up in their packaging in foil. Then wrap them with insulation aka paper. Then wrap again in foil and paper/insulator material. Place wrapped electronics in a tightly sealed metal container. Basically you’re attempting to make a poor man’s faraday cage. This MIGHT save your electronics. Might not. Too many variables to say one way or another.

Plus if they do survive, you don’t want to bring them out too soon, especially if man made EMPs. Weeks to months later you get things working and your the lit up beacon that everyone sees. As others have said, you’ll have bigger issues to deal with after a major EMP event.
We have been hit & hurt before in Canada, US and Europe... you can look it up, its no secret. The next couple of days ought to be "interesting" to see what happens & where.
OK? I mean, I never said we haven't had one. but,

The headline says "NASA warns solar storm might hit earth today ..." It doesn't say to jump in your hidey hole, or get ready for a few days of darkness. It just says ... might.

So I'll say it again, I guess we'll know in a few hours?
I think the easiest way to prepare is to keep a few all in ones and high quality bms in a Faraday bag. Besides that, food and water source are key. Perhaps a small emp resistant system for distilling water and small loads.
This is where an Isolated Seacan comes in terribly handy... The ultimate Faraday cage.

1989 Hydro Quebec got nailed by a CME and a bit over 6 million went without juice, which also affected the US Eastern seaboard. I believe a couple of the power companies in the US East got hit pretty badly as well.
For a minor event with some forewarning, at best I’ll open the breakers to the grid like I do if there’s a big windstorm or lightning in the area. It’ll at least isolate the house from the big grid antenna. Anything bigger, put your head between your knees and……….