diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Climate change, COVID, and other things...

    Some of the heads of auto companies were questioned on how much CO2 was in the atmosphere: they all said it was 5% or over. They have no idea what is going on. 'Climate change' is an obvious scam, look at CO2 coalition org, or Watts Up With That, Climate Depot, etc. I have solar power...
  • Post in thread: Power out here again from Storm.

    Weather like the U.S.A. is experiencing today is the reason why I would never buy a house without a wood burning stove (mine can burn wood and smokeless coal). No matter what, you can keep yourself warm with a wood burning stove.
  • Post in thread: Climate change, COVID, and other things...

    Nobody said that people didn't die - but the average age of those dying 'from' or 'with' Covid was the same as the average life expectancy... i.e. in the U.K., people dying 'from' or 'with' Covid had an average age of 83 - and the average life expectancy was 82... How is that a 'pandemic' when...
  • Post in thread: Prepping for impending grid outage

    Yes, our own governments are our worst enemy. The totally unnecessary lockdowns caused far more suffering than their non-existent virus, and their fraudulent PCR 'test'. We know that the whole thing was a scam, for one simple reason: thousands of 'unvaccinated' people are NOT dying every month...
  • Post in thread: The media's ignorance on solar panel life - BBC

    I just read this daft article from the BBC: Solar panels don't have a life of only 25 to 30 years. They will still work, except they will have lost some of their efficiency and may 'only' be giving out 80% or maybe even only 70% of their...
  • Post in thread: Climate change, COVID, and other things...

    To put it more simply - just as they did with 'AIDS', Big Pharma redefined deaths FROM OTHER CAUSES as 'Covid' deaths, by using a fraudulent 'test'. If you tested positive, your death from cancer, dementia, pneumonia, heart attack, etc. was redefined and added to the 'Covid death' numbers, even...
  • Post in thread: Victron is Over-priced Eurotrash. Why would anybody buy Victron over an AiO?

    Isn't it incredible how this thread has descended into anything BUT actually discussing the topic itself... The last ten pages are basically nonsense and I wonder why the posters here are wasting other people's time, if you want to have private discussion about your garage/kitchen/anything but...
  • Post in thread: Victron is Over-priced Eurotrash. Why would anybody buy Victron over an AiO?

    You can buy at least 5 Voltronic inverters for the price of the equivalent Victron equipment.
  • Post in thread: Battery cable length - from Lynx distributor

    What does "quite a bit" mean? It's there in my screenshot - one foot of cable has a voltage drop of 0.00027245V... The fact that the longer cables are twice the length of the already short shorter ones is not as important as how much longer they are, which is about a foot. So can any inverter...
  • Post in thread: Are solar panels installers overcharging for materials?

    "If they are really busy and expensive, likely they are good." That doesn't follow at all. People are so desperate to get solar panels installed now, that ALL contractors are busy. And thus they can all charge more than they used to, the public can take it or leave it.
  • Post in thread: 25kWh daily output, but I only used to need 10kWh per day.

    MPP Solar are sending me two new MPPT PCBs, but they only have one in stock and the other won't be available for 40 days! They also say that I have to pay the postage ($31) which I think is a cheek, but I have paid as I really want to get the inverters working. It will cost me a lot more to send...
  • Post in thread: 25kWh daily output, but I only used to need 10kWh per day.

    When the PV is charging the batteries during the day, I have often checked our electricity meter to make sure the dial isn't turning, and it isn't, so I'm pretty sure no electricity is going back into the grid.
  • Post in thread: 25kWh daily output, but I only used to need 10kWh per day.

    Thank you all for your replies - this morning, all three batteries were showing approximately the same SOC in MultiSIBControl. Later this afternoon, all three batteries had four solid LEDs out of six, and MultiSIBControl was showing they were approximately two thirds full, so that's good. One...
  • Post in thread: Battery cable length - from Lynx distributor

    So more answers with no facts or anything useful, sunshine_eggo. I don't agree with you or timselectric, because you haven't given any substantial reasons why I should, just "it will put more load on one inverter", without any AMOUNTS, which is what all of us here are very familiar with - how...
  • Post in thread: How do you remove MPP Solar green parallel cable connectors?

    I've just had a proper look at the green connectors on my inverters (my inverters are only a few feet off the ground and it's difficult to get underneath them to look, plus I have presbyopia) - they use two screws each, which screw into the sockets on the bottom of the inverter. So I'm glad I...
  • Post in thread: Victron is 10 times as expensive as Voltronic

    I can buy two 5.6kW Anenji inverters with a two year guarantee from Germany for about £900 after paying import duty...
  • Post in thread: Battery cable length - from Lynx distributor

    It's now thirteen or fourteen weeks since I had the inverters set up by my electrician, and there have been ZERO problems. Each inverter's MPPT seems to work slightly differently, the voltages and amps never match, but generally both of my 6kW strings give out the same amount of power. I have...
  • Post in thread: 25kWh daily output, but I only used to need 10kWh per day.

    I have now decided (because I've only just found them) to buy two 5kW Sunsynk inverters, from here: (Thank you so much for sending the earlier link to the 8kW SunSynk from...
  • Post in thread: Thinking about wind?

    I'm so glad I came on this forum and asked about wind turbines a few months ago - several people told me just why a wind turbine is never going to produce anything like the same power as the equivalent value spent on solar panels, and will also need maintenance and be a nightmare to install. I...
  • Post in thread: LFP for EV's projected to be less than $56 per kWh within 6 months

    The problem is that the grid can only just produce the electricity we already use in buildings and all other non-EV cases - because of the unreliability of renewables. So if a million more people buy an EV this year, they will need at least 20kWh per day to charge it, and the average UK house...
  • Post in thread: 25kWh daily output, but I only used to need 10kWh per day.

    I tried my laptop out, next to the inverters and batteries - NO battery errors at all, so the battery errors that are showing up in MultiSIBControl are most likely due to the flat ethernet cable (15m) I have been using - I expect it is picking up interference from other electrical cables in the...
  • Post in thread: Is there any way to make money from excess power apart from selling back to grid?

    My garden is pretty big (1/3 acre) and on a hill, I was thinking of putting some IBC tanks at the top, and use the excess electricity to pump water up to the (one ton per tank) - I wonder how much potential energy one tank would store. It's probably a fifty feet height difference between the...
  • Post in thread: 25kWh daily output, but I only used to need 10kWh per day.

    I've set the inverter to Sbl UCb, and changed setting 11 to 60A, the fans immediately sped up and the inverter display says that 60A is going into the batteries, but when I test the battery cables with my clamp meter, it only shows 45A. I changed setting 11 to 20A, and my clamp meter shows 15A...
  • Post in thread: DON'T Install DC Isolators on Solar

    This video doesn't explain WHERE the isolators which failed were located, which is pretty important. It makes no sense to NOT have isolators on your PV strings if your inverter doesn't have a built in PV isolator, as otherwise, in order to remove the PV cables from the inverter itself, or to...
  • Post in thread: Mobile split air conditioner overloads 2 x 5kW inverters

    timseletric - I've bought a MicroAir EasyStart - it's arriving on Monday - impressive service from MicroAir, two day delivery from the USA to the U.K. It cost me about £350 (so far - there may be import duties to pay). Zwy, thanks for the info., I will give the outside unit a clean, the case is...
  • Post in thread: Have Deye 8Kw Inverter, but my panels exceed it

    You need to split your 12 panels into two strings, 6 panels in each string, then you will only have 240 volts going into each MPPT controller on your 8kW inverter, well below the 500V maximum.
  • Post in thread: Battery cable length - from Lynx distributor

    Sorry - my mistake. The voltage drop is 0.0118339V - I don't think the inverters are going to notice that either.
  • Post in thread: 25kWh daily output, but I only used to need 10kWh per day.

    Brianonmull, I have got the settings as SBU, thanks for the suggestion. timselectric, I have set the battery setting (I think it's no. 5) to 'PYL', I now understand why the lower voltage will only charge the battery so far and then not be high enough to go any further, as the batteries' voltage...
  • Post in thread: How to keep your batteries warm - hot water tank jacket

    My three Pylontech US5000s were down to 11C a few weeks ago, because the outside temperature was around zero centigrade, so I bought a £20 hot water cylinder jacket from Toolstation (UK DIY shop) - it comes with four pieces of insulated jacket - and fitted two parts of it around the batteries...
  • Post in thread: Back to Back solar panels vs bifacials

    I've been watching videos about bifacial solar panels, it looks like they get about 10% more power than normal panels in the same mounts (presumably, normally ground mounted.) Has anybody considered or tried using back to back panels, and putting white gravel on the ground to maximise the...