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diy solar

Recent content by SolarCzar

  1. SolarCzar

    Limitation to AC coupling with EG4 18K, help required...

    Hey guys, disregard as EG4 team worked behind the scenes and determine that I had a stuck relay that was not allowing the values to update. Working solid now.
  2. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    Me too, and thanks everyone. I'm going back home in a couple of weeks, so I'll watch it until then.
  3. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    So for everyone to understand what happened, and the great @EG4_Jared can correct my explanation, he effectively reset both inverters to default to clear the settings and start over. The relays were somehow hung and not turning on for the GEN port, but when he did the reset, they came right up...
  4. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    UPDATE! UPDATE! I don't know what has been changed yet, but @EG4_Jared has got me working...Yipeee!!!
  5. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    So the EG4 and SS team are looking into it now. It's got to be a CT/settings issue. My house is not consuming 9kW... Now I only wired up 1 set of the CT's and not to both inverters. I wired mine here, (I don't have a fused disconnect for the PV's going into the main disconnect breaker.)
  6. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    Agreed. For some reason I had it in my mind that batteries were charged up front, but my mistake.
  7. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    I have No Idea, but I haven't seen anything like that.
  8. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    Yeah, something isn't right at the basic level with the EG4's. I turned off Grid AC Charge to charge the batteries from PV not charging the batteries which are at 23%. Granted it's still early but the PV power generated should be flowing to the batteries... I wonder if I reverse the CT's...
  9. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    So this is the stuff you want to spit nails at Signature Solar when you spend $30K. I turned on Power Backup, as a bad weather and possible tornados are headed to my home and my wife is alone, while I'm traveling for business. I get to my destination and look, and my batteries are drained to...
  10. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    Agreed. If you notice the CT’s are in the GRID subpanel which connects to the as it was easier for me to wire them there. I don’t know if doing so will make that big a difference? Either way, I wonder why the two can’t coexist with them paralleled on the GRID subpanel?
  11. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    I was also planning to add a third battery, but I wanted to see how the performance would be with two initially before I purchased that that third one from signature solar
  12. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    I have 40 kW on the on the roof and another 10 kW that I was thinking about adding, but I was pressing my limits associated with roof space
  13. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    As for advantage definitely I’m still grandfathered with the net metering program and the state of Louisiana and I get to sell back at equal amount so I can build up a credit overtime and already had the panels so why not
  14. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    They were attached to the main panel originally. If you look at those pictures, you’ll see that they were on the main grid panel 30 amp breakers when I turned them on the 18 K started having weird issues. It was like the CT were minimizing solar and was not maximizing its output.
  15. SolarCzar

    EG4 AC Coupling Fronius

    Crap, I didn’t check and I had to get on the road