diy solar

diy solar

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  • Post in thread: Explain to me as to a toddler

    I'm leaving the solar off for tonight, with 12.8 on the battery at sundown. The inverter is off. We'll see what happens. I'm just glad as heck the solar control has that jump start feature. But, I have othe newb questions to ask! So on to that.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Arizona and Texas are two places we're planning on avoiding after decades in SoCal. That would be going from the frying pan into the fire. I'm a born Upstate New Yorker, and would prefer to travel the forest, mountain, stream territories. Hubby has a steel plate in his leg, though, so not in snow.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Definitely going for the "moar power!" solution, then. We got out latest fridge at the tail of the last wave of hell here in SoCal. It's got a metal lining and gaskets in the lid and did so much better on the 105° days. I bought a small 1.50$ bag of ice, left it in the reusable grocery bag, and...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Good to know, when we outgrow the Renogy 30, to move to Victron. When we get more panels on the roof, this one will be too weak. We follow TechnoBarbarian on YouTube, and he's put something like 1600 watts on a similar U-Haul conversion roof. My husband thinks we should stop at 400. I may have...
  • Post in thread: Has anyone actually used or is using reflectors or mirrors to solve shading?

    THIS! ??? He could easily recoup that money.
  • Post in thread: Which one of you is this?

    What a sad waste. However it could have been worse, with the fire factor. They rush into things too fast. Good ideas get wrecked.
  • Post in thread: Explain to me as to a toddler

    So it looks like we have to just be patient and wait for the extra batteries and panels to fit into the budget. I'm just so glad the Renogy controller has that built in jump start set up, after reading about all the trouble people have to get drained LifePo4 batteries going again.
  • Post in thread: Which one of you is this?

    Awe, it's nothing. Just get the cows out of the trees and a little sweeping up. (To quote my grandmother.)
  • Post in thread: DIY solar portable HD generator

    I thought I'd pass this along because it seems like a great idea, it's DIY, and saves a bundle. ?.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Now I'm looking at my Renogy Rover w suspicion. However, it's doing fine for our as yet small system. Bluetti on the other hand, I'm so glad I did the research. I was ready for all their nonsense. Photos photos photos. I did not sign up for their warantee 'before they could help me', I...
  • Post in thread: Which one of you is this?

    ? There's a formula. ?+??= ?/?
  • Post in thread: Which one of you is this?

    Are those flexible! They have to be on that curved area. I've just been put off flexible by the high incidence of broken wire fires.?
  • Post in thread: WTH is this new Cali BS? Income Based Rate Increase??? I don't understand.... someone look at this PLZ

    This was predictable suck, because joy boy also mandated all new housing in Cali must have solar! And there's a side order to that that new home buyers have to solar up in the offing. Along with the by-the-mile tax for cars because of EVs.
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Thank you so much! I'm sure we'll take your offer up as things progress. We're really quite impressed with this cheap set up for now. (The Eco Worthy kit with a Renogy mppt) It's a cloudy rainy day and the system performed just as good if not better than the past three sunny days. I did notice...
  • Post in thread: The big question: more batteries or panels first?

    We're adding the battery first. Since it comes in kits of 200 to one 50 ah, 400 to 2 x 50 ah should work? Then later, we switch up to more ah, more panels, more controller amp as we go? Thank you for settling that in my mind! ?
  • Post in thread: Toddler part Two

    So the next question is: Edit: LifePo4 batteries. Does the battery have to be the same 12.8v 50 ah from the same company? They are selling it bundled with an AC plug in charger, which I think is a good emergency tool to have, but there are other less pricy 12.8v 50ahs out there. However some...
  • Post in thread: Which one of you is this?

    I was wondering why they don't plaster cars in them, and thinking of paving our van with them, but the thin breakable wire thing horrified me (I'm a DNA female) and I won't even have propane in the van conversion because of the boom factor. My husband showed me photos from on the job of a...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Is that the name to search for one under? Solar panel gauge? The mechanic used a multi-meter, but I killed ours a year ago. (It was an accident, I swear.)
  • Post in thread: Can someone explain mppt to me (mppt for dummies)

    PWM bleh! Throw it away! MPPT = sanity. More data, more control settings to fine tune to your system, more safeguards, and ours (Renogy Rover) came with a jump start inside for completely drained batteries. ? No scrambling to find a place to put 14v charger on. (Just need to find out Why the...
  • Post in thread: Toddler part Two

    So, IF I go cheaper, or have a emergency purchase, watch for SOC creep. Got it. We only lost 0.1 volt last night w nothing but the rover to pull power. Thank you!
  • Post in thread: Has anyone actually used or is using reflectors or mirrors to solve shading?

    Have you seen these solar mast things that track the sun? Think old school roof top TV antenna, crossed with a sail boat. You could pop one into your array, and it would hold up to eight panels.
  • Post in thread: Explain to me as to a toddler

    Eco-worthy that came w the kit. Nothing on the DC. Just the inverter. The thing is, the inverter turns off at 11.7. So we switch to a portable power box at night. There was Nothing on the battery but the lights on the controller after it hit 11.7. the DC is turned off, we don't have a fuse box...
  • Post in thread: Explain to me as to a toddler

    We use a 660 watt portable power box at night and for months, it's been fine, usually with 20 to 40% left over in the morning. Some cooler nights we have 60% in the morning. What should I set the battery control for for the day time load until we get sorted? And would it be best to get the...
  • Post in thread: Toddler part 3: Renogy rover wth?

    From the Renogy rover booklet, a most unhelpful instructions booklet. Can someone explain accumulated ah and discharged ah on this booger, because we've got zero for those after three days. Also why does the charging current often say 0.00, when it's in the sun and getting panel voltage? The...
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Northern New Mexico is gorgeous. It's on our hit list. ?
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Thank you!
  • Post in thread: Renogy Mppt not charging battery properly?

    Sounds like the same b.s. happening with Bluetti. I learned a lesson there.
  • Post in thread: The big question: more batteries or panels first?

    We're retired and on a tight budget, so this month and next, we get two more 100 watt panels, or another itty bitty 50 ah battery (as much as I'd like to get a 100 ah, no mix and match). Where we're at, we're getting about 4 amps steadily between 10 am and 2 pm over the day, enough to charge up...
  • Post in thread: Toddler part 3: Renogy rover wth?

    I'll have to go through it again and get back to you later. Thank you!
  • Post in thread: Explain to me as to a toddler

    Not sure about the Ah but thing is 660 watts. That's what I was thinking last night, It was the only thing draining power. Will give it a try, because Tuesday it ran fine, Wednesday night was the sudden OMG drain. Two more weeks and we'll get the extra 12.8v 50ah to make 100 ah, but the 50ah...