diy solar

diy solar

Half price electric cars

With a person who values liberty I choose to advocate for what is the best option for me and my fellow homo sapiens. I will choose prosperity over overblown issues.

Resetting the technology of transportation infrastructre to a premature technology is not wise.
Yes and this is where there will always be disagreements. Both sides of the issue truly believe they are doing the same thing.
If we get down to the brass tacks it shouldn’t cost 13k more to build the equivalent EV to petrol burner
I agree it should not cost more, especially with battery prices on the decline. Some of the problem from watching teardown videos by Sandy Monroe and others is that most of the EVs are really conversions of the same design which was used for the ICE propulsion version. We are clearly in a transition that will be difficult for some who cannot see the value of innovation.
Well, one of the higher mileage F150 lightnings at 93k is showing only 3% battery degradation. Brakes degrade slower, tires, 20% faster. What we don't know, is what the life will be of the motors.

I guess if you don't take a shot at it, you won't know. All I know, is that I won't be paying for fuel in 4 or 5 years, and we got a rebate on the truck that won't be around forever. Inflation in gas prices doesn't matter to someone not even paying for electricity...

It's always a bit surprising when a tool is available to entirely remove the reliance on countries and governments changes and policies to get around, and still people resist. Guess they have actual (oil derricks, and refining plants) gas stations in their back yards.
It's a truck with a monstrous trunk and inverter, and I do like that idea very much! Seems like one could overlook a few negaitves for those features. Hopefully you like it and it works out well.

Sometimes the first models get a bad rap as being inferior, they often are, but I do think that sometimes machines are over engineered in the early runs and then manufacturing and material costs are brought down as time passes and the machine may improve in reliability, but likely will just be a way to save a few dollars per unit.

Hopefully if you do see issues they can be resolved in the software.

I would guess that the motors should last a very long time. I would really only be concerned about the battery health.

We need oil to build any new system that replaces it, that is not going to change for a very long time. We must protect the right of the individual to make the choice.
I agree it should not cost more, especially with battery prices on the decline. Some of the problem from watching teardown videos by Sandy Monroe and others is that most of the EVs are really conversions of the same design which was used for the ICE propulsion version. We are clearly in a transition that will be difficult for some who cannot see the value of innovation.
Yes and through producing vehicles they will improve exponentially faster than sitting on the drawing board.
Be happy that there are people buying, using, testing these models.

In hindsight the first cellular phones were not that great either. Battery life and coverage were just a couple of the issues. I hated mine. May the electric vehicles progress in the same way.
I agree it should not cost more, especially with battery prices on the decline. Some of the problem from watching teardown videos by Sandy Monroe and others is that most of the EVs are really conversions of the same design which was used for the ICE propulsion version. We are clearly in a transition that will be difficult for some who cannot see the value of innovation.
Follow up,
While not at all objective and me not quite sure how to pose the question, I wonder
Does it seem to you that (at least in the states) we have stymied innovation countless times in recent history?
The reason I say not objective is my only anecdotes are things like rail/mass transit in Asian and European countries. I saw a video the other day of a fascinating rail system in Wuhan for example. But our media would have society believe it’s all 3rd world overseas.
Do you think our political climate, or simply possibly the design of our system make resistance to change easier?

I always learn a ton from these long drawn out threads, dare I say sometimes even learn to modify long standing opinions I’ve had
In hindsight the first cellular phones were not that great either. Battery life and coverage were just a couple of the issues. I hated mine. May the electric vehicles progress in the same way.
au contraire, we will never have pocket sized bricks that can occupy time playing games like snake, break windows if you’re locked out, be used as self defense in a pinch, or make calls like the old Nokia 3100 series 🤣
Yes and through producing vehicles they will improve exponentially faster than sitting on the drawing board.
Be happy that there are people buying, using, testing these models.

In hindsight the first cellular phones were not that great either. Battery life and coverage were just a couple of the issues. I hated mine. May the electric vehicles progress in the same way.

This reminds me of early analog cell phones that would just get static before cutting out, then we got digital phones that cut out in and abrupt way so that you lost part of the conversation. My first phone was my best cell phone. It was just a phone and even had an antenna. Good times.

Early cell phones were to the land line phone as automobiles were to the horse. There was a lot to gain there.
It's always a bit surprising when a tool is available to entirely remove the reliance on countries and governments changes and policies to get around, and still people resist. Guess they have actual (oil derricks, and refining plants) gas stations in their back yards.
Check out section 24220.

I was invoking "Our Democracy" in a mocking way. It is a great way to spot people who should not be taken seriously. It is a phrase used to fool the useful idiots. The Us is WAS a Constitutional Republic and not a mob rule democracy. 'Our Democracy' is akin to other ridiculous phrases, such as 'for the children' or 'safe and effective'
I was invoking "Our Democracy" in a mocking way. It is a great way to spot people who should not be taken seriously. It is a phrase used to fool the useful idiots. The Us is a Constitutional Republic and not a mob rule democracy. 'Our Democracy' is akin to other ridiculous phrases, such as 'for the children' or 'safe and effective'
Für Ihre Sicherheit
Climate change wokeness is like being a scientologist. A new religion with no basis.
And climate change deniers are like anti-vaxxers and flat Earthers - people who reject anything that disturbs their carefully constructed worldview and makes them question their assumptions. This causes them cognitive dissonance when they compare the science of climate change against what they've been told to believe by their right wing news sources; it can be painful for them. You get claims like the secret Jewish space lasers that are causing wildfires; that way they don't have to accept a painful reality.
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no qualms with the majority of your statement until here.
These EVs are all reliant and dependent on the OEM via their OTA/4g/5g/wifi requirements.
Thats my biggest hang up. Give me something that doesn’t need to be connected to the IOT
None that I have seen need to be. You can disconnect the antenna and they will work as cars - of course without all the connectivity. I did that on a Leaf once as an experiment, and the car would give you error messages but continue to work.
Edmunds says the average EV sold cost in 2023 was $13,000 and change more than the average new non ev sold
That's down to $4800 as of 2024. That price drop is going to continue as batteries get cheaper, and more car companies switch to LFP and sodium ion.
This is their misfortune because when CAFE requirements came, companies like Toyota and Honda built fuel efficient vehicles. The big 3 built bigger vehicles to be exempt.

Yep. It's worth noting that when the CAFE requirements came out, they lobbied hard to avoid the requirements, claiming it would cause them to either shut down or sell nothing but unsafe sub-sub compacts. And when the CARB requirements first came out, the Big Three again claimed that there was no way to make a car without a ten-thousand-dollar catalytic converter. Honda simply built an engine (the CVCC) that met the CARB requirements without a catalytic converter.

And climate change deniers are like anti-vaxxers and flat Earthers - people who reject anything that disturbs their carefully constructed worldview and makes them question their assumptions. This causes them cognitive dissonance when they compare the science of climate change against what they've been told to believe by their right wing news sources; it can be painful for them. You get claims like the secret Jewish space lasers that are causing wildfires; that way they don't have to accept a painful reality.
So you have an issue with critical thinkers. Grouping anti-vaxxers with flat earthers, brilliant. It never seems to occur to climate activists that there are consequences for changes in the name of saving the planet. It's all their way or you hate living. Like tree huggers have it all figured out. Yeah, they seem like a happy lot.
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I just saw this quote from the CEO of Audi, he says.

"We will all drive electrically. That's the way, that's technologically evident."​

I am sure not everyone agrees with this from the forty nine pages of this thread.
I just saw this quote from the CEO of Audi, he says.

"We will all drive electrically. That's the way, that's technologically evident."​

I am sure not everyone agrees with this from the forty nine pages of this thread.
I don't drive an Audi nor so I want one, so I don't care what he says 😝
These EVs are all reliant and dependent on the OEM via their OTA/4g/5g/wifi requirements.
This is not an issue confined to EVs, it applies to most modern vehicles no matter the drivetrain.

For me the convenience it provides it excellent. Similar to our home energy systems.

The full data set is all but impossible to display on one screen but includes status of doors, windows, boot, bonnet, and all locks, aircon, charging, front and rear defrosters, auxilliary (12V) battery, exterior and interior temperatures, main and high beam, heading and location, tyre pressures for each wheel, vehicle running/not running on/off, speed, state of charge % and kWh, range, drive battery voltage, current and power, charger plugged in or not, whether charging or not, target charge level, charge current limit, scheduled charging settings (on/off and start, stop times).

Screen Shot 2024-04-03 at 9.29.07 am.png

Most are data supply only, but many items are controllable (e.g. locks, aircon, defrosters, charging settings etc).

I built a phone dashboard for my car.


I could add the defroster controls but we don't need that much here, more the ability to pre-cool the car if parked out in the sun for some reason (normally in the garage at home).

If you want low tech reliability, it's hard to beat a bicycle. Mind you modern ones are so laden with electronic gizmos it's a bit insane. My bicycles have had power meters for 20 years.
2 people so far saying convenience > privacy
All fine and dandy, but does not solve the problem for buyers opposed.
Yes most new gassers have the same issue, there’s still millions of used gassers completely serviceable that aren’t.

Again, they don’t HAVE to make all EVs the same. There could be options or trim levels to address certain shortcomings
And climate change deniers are like anti-vaxxers and flat Earthers - people who reject anything that disturbs their carefully constructed worldview and makes them question their assumptions. This causes them cognitive dissonance when they compare the science of climate change against what they've been told to believe by their right wing news sources; it can be painful for them. You get claims like the secret Jewish space lasers that are causing wildfires; that way they don't have to accept a painful reality.
The climate is changing, always has been, always will long after we're gone.
I never had an experimental vaccine for a blown out of proportion money grab virus, never will; I have no issues with proven vaccines for things that are actually dangerous / deadly.
The earth is round, always has been; If it were flat your dumb ass would have fallen off it already.
Why do you have to drag the Jewish into it?
Lasers, I thought they were directed energy weapons?
Whose reality are you living in?
If you want low tech reliability, it's hard to beat a bicycle. Mind you modern ones are so laden with electronic gizmos it's a bit insane. My bicycles have had power meters for 20 years.
We’ve had some good conversation, I’m not attacking you personally, but comments like this is exactly why we see the rift we do now.

Effectively it surmises as: “it don’t bother me, if you don’t like it, you can walk”