diy solar

diy solar

help please!


New Member
Jul 10, 2022
hi guys can someone please help me build a minimum off grid solar system for my mobile office ( 36x10) trailer? I have a 6500 BTU air conditioner that will be running for 8 hours, 3 desktop computers , a small fridge, a water cooler and some LED lights which we do not need on during the day they will be on and off at night for no more than 4 hours total. be advised this is a temporary office ( one year) my budget is $6000 max
Sorry but I don't see a way to build that on only 6k, maybe others can figure it out but I think you need a larger budget.

Example a system like this could do the job.
Sorry but I don't see a way to build that on only 6k, maybe others can figure it out but I think you need a larger budget.

Example a system like this could do the job.
Thank you.. how big of a budget do you think I need?
oh ok I see reading example now..thanks
You can also call them and they can fine tune the system to your needs, maybe you don't need the racks or maybe you want more batteries for longer use.
Only way to know for sure is do a twelve month energy audit. What is the actual power consumption of that airconditioner each month ?
How many totally cloudy days when solar is effectively zero ?
Is this mobile office occupied or used at night ?
Do you plan to have a backup power source (grid, gasoline generator etc..) ?
How much roof area is available for solar ?

Only when you have this all figured out can you plan a system to suit your needs.
An inverter big enough to handle maximum demand, including surge power.
A battery big enough to handle cloudy days, and that will also depend on your backup power source.
And enough solar panels to generate monthly measured power consumption at your location.

When you have a workable system design on paper, its time to start costing out and sourcing the parts.
Many peoples expectations are wildly optimistic on what solar can actually do, and hugely underestimate their actual consumption and costs.

Its no good building a $6K system that stops working every time a cloud covers the sun, or needs an expensive battery replaced every twelve months, because it was never maintained and simply flogged to death. Get the facts, do the research, then cost it all out.
Only way to know for sure is do a twelve month energy audit. What is the actual power consumption of that airconditioner each month ?
How many totally cloudy days when solar is effectively zero ?
Is this mobile office occupied or used at night ?
Do you plan to have a backup power source (grid, gasoline generator etc..) ?
How much roof area is available for solar ?

Only when you have this all figured out can you plan a system to suit your needs.
An inverter big enough to handle maximum demand, including surge power.
A battery big enough to handle cloudy days, and that will also depend on your backup power source.
And enough solar panels to generate monthly measured power consumption at your location.

When you have a workable system design on paper, its time to start costing out and sourcing the parts.
Many peoples expectations are wildly optimistic on what solar can actually do, and hugely underestimate their actual consumption and costs.

Its no good building a $6K system that stops working every time a cloud covers the sun, or needs an expensive battery replaced every twelve months, because it was never maintained and simply flogged to death. Get the facts, do the research, then cost it all out.
Can I at least Start with the minimum and see how that works and then upgrade as needed?
I don't plan to go over the 6k as I live simple. I went with 6k unit bc it's split phase. If going with the 3 or 5, you have to buy two units bc each unit only produces 120v. If you want the ability to expand the growatt 5k unit you can run up to 6 in parallel.

I'll let you know how it is in a couple of weeks when I get it hooked up.
Can I at least Start with the minimum and see how that works and then upgrade as needed?
Sure you can.
A complete energy audit can tell you many things, and I can guarantee some real surprises, along with information that with some simple changes can result in major load reductions without having to make any changes to usage or lifestyle.