diy solar

diy solar

Gas generators to be banned in USA

“Senator, I’ve got this great new safety device that almost every Californian will have to buy, it’s called a gasoline safety can. If you make this law, and grant me exclusivity for few years……..Is there a re election account I can donate to? That’s funny, that looks just like an offshore account number, oh nothing…thank you very much sir.” Years later, Senator reads reports “Exponential increase of gas can fire incidents report” Spillage caused (a)filling portable power equipment, (b) filling vehicles. (c) tip over in transport. (d) tip over in storage. (e) spout breakage. Senator smiles, stuff report in shredder, then pushes button on desk “Doris, please send the next ones in, we need to get rid of these pesky gasoline power equipment and gasoline vehicles so we don’t have a gas can problem”. (Totally made up story ?)
my new PLASTIC gas can cost almost ~$40 Total ….. Removed the pos nozzle and had to buy a regular old style nozzle separately. Walmart = factory in China did me a favor - during shipping they left the actual equipped nozzle out of package. Gas cans making America great again. I don’t put gas in mine just use it to decorate the house and show visitors. ??

Edit Btw had to drill hole to install that yellow vent
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When did the US become a communist country, where the government dictates which products you can or cannot purchase?
Light bulbs, gas ovens, cars, lawnmowers, generators.... the "free market" is now an illusion. Only capitalism can bring down prices based on competition. Central planning taxing, and control is what we fought England over.
Just like Will Smith riding a motorcycle in I Robot, only a gas engine can set you free from control.
2001ish is when I noticed freedom being exchanged for “safety” I’m sure it was earlier. But I’m not old enough to remember
We use to get milk in glass bottles, then paper waxed cartons, and then heavy plastic milk jugs. We would wash the milk jug out and use it as gas container vs buying metal gas can. Govt made it so we had to buy gas can and made laws mandates against dispensing gas into plastic containers = illegal. Then govt allows plastic gas cans and then govt mandates nozzles on plastic gas cans.

Seat belts were optional, then if get pulled over for something else and no belt got ticket then moved-became click it or ticket Politicians lied about that too. Back when car insurance was optional the policies were lot cheaper. After car insurance became mandated shot up in price.

give an inch then they shove in until sack…. Somebody some where making bank and we are getting sex we don’t want.
2001ish is when I noticed freedom being exchanged for “safety” I’m sure it was earlier. But I’m not old enough to remember
After 9-11 Bush came on tv and said they hate our freedom. He never defined “they”
I could be wrong but I believe the Supreme Court will be deciding a case (The Chevron Doctrine) this fall that hits right at the heart of what were discussing here. Federal agencies were given the power to interpret laws and make reasonable rules/guidelines around those laws.

However what might be reasonable to one could be completely unreasonable to others. The case has the potential to pull the rug out from under these agencies and stop the madness we're seeing today.
We use to get milk in glass bottles, then paper waxed cartons, and then heavy plastic milk jugs. We would wash the milk jug out and use it as gas container vs buying metal gas can. Govt made it so we had to buy gas can and made laws mandates against dispensing gas into plastic containers = illegal. Then govt allows plastic gas cans and then govt mandates nozzles on plastic gas cans.

Seat belts were optional, then if get pulled over for something else and no belt got ticket then moved-became click it or ticket Politicians lied about that too. Back when car insurance was optional the policies were lot cheaper. After car insurance became mandated shot up in price.

give an inch then they shove in until sack…. Somebody some where making bank and we are getting sex we don’t want.
Vet bills used to be reasonable. Pet insurance was invented, people laughed. Some started buying it. People now cry at the vet bills.
Some generators already have CO detectors build into them. Personally, I'm not an advocate as it complicates a piece of emergency equipment and is just one more thing to go wrong.

Other than that, being concerned about their emissions is kind of silly since they are almost never used.

The proposal sounds to me like someone is just trying to justify their budget by producing stupid recommendations to make it look like they're busy.
Some generators already have CO detectors build into them. Personally, I'm not an advocate as it complicates a piece of emergency equipment and is just one more thing to go wrong.

Other than that, being concerned about their emissions is kind of silly since they are almost never used.

The proposal sounds to me like someone is just trying to justify their budget by producing stupid recommendations to make it look like they're busy.
Estimated benefits would still exceed estimated costs by a ratio of more than five to one.
All part of the agenda 2030 control grid. They want you to be completely dependent on the grid, so that they have complete and total control over you.
I’m only 74 pages in, but so far they’ve spent 3 pages talking about how it would cost the manufacturer 63 dollars more per unit, 2 pages on potential benefits based on estimated hospital visits extrapolated from 100 actual hospital visits accompanied by death data.
They spent 3 pages hypothesizing “unrealized benefits”
2 pages discussing the ebbs and flows of generator purchases coinciding with extreme weather events, but then state that they can’t utilize those trends to estimate future trends. In that breath they also disingenuously state that weather events have been exponentially increasing (factually not true)
3 pages explaining why they do think they have jurisdiction to implement this when manufacturers pushed back and said this would fall under the EPA.

Both generac and champion replied and stated it would end the sales of dual fuel generators.
They also replied and said it would create a false sense of security for the customer to think it was now appropriate to run a generator indoors.
Nearly all of the fatalities were attributed to generators being used in closed space without air exchange. Which is already a known no-no

So those estimated benefits would benefit whom? (They state a 1 dollar cost to manufacturer would save society 7 dollars on medical expense, which is their extrapolation of 5:1 benefit. But it’s never that simple and they used too many hypotheticals or unrealized data to estimate)
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Reads like a communist manifesto. Lots of nice sounding words that never work, like "re-imagining" the police defunding them and paying social workers instead, because BLM.
Why can't rich eliteists just leave us the frack alone, thank you. Make your own utopia, and we will suffer with our own freedoms to do what WE want.
Interesting how politics is seeping into almost everything these days, from Disneyland to football, to movies, to mowing the lawn, to cooking. Next, camp fires will be banned while hiking.
My hope is that people wake up and realize we are all one big family, so just let everyone follow their own dreams in peace.
Oh, and eliminate the UN, WEF, and WHO, and hope all politicians and lawyers just hold their own breath till their problems go away.

How does saving stupid people from themselves exceed estimated costs?

If someone is too stupid to understand the danger of CO from a generator, then the rest of us shouldn't have to suffer.

If the standard of protection and care is based on the dumbest demographic in society, then we become a nanny state. And when government is held responsible for your safety in such cases, you will eventually end up like a farm animal in a cage.. for your safety of course..
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I currently live in a neighborhood full of those lefty central planner types. Luckily, they have an aversion to gun ownership. Also, they are grass fed & organic eating.

So I should have plenty of protein sources if the SHTF.
How do you know they have an aversion to gun ownership?

I'm a prepper and probably own more weapons than any five or ten people in this forum, and yet when talking to my neighbors, I treat the subject of guns as taboo as religion or politics.. I even went so far as to ask if a 9mm was bigger than a .45 once.

And for the record, I own a Barrett M1A1, my AR's all have binary triggers and suppressors..

Telling others who know where you live that you own guns is never a good idea.. some of that "central planning" can be wise..