diy solar

diy solar

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  1. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    First time seeing them here for us here. Glad nothing is known to have been fried!
  2. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    I would guess that it was amazing up there. Hope he got his wire squared away.
  3. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    No, he has no shame. He is however more honest than most. 50% truth is better than 10% any day. Although some people like to go along with the tyranny put fourth by the Trump, but would oppose the Biden for attempting the same tyrannies. Hmm. Their plight is not due to humans releasing CO2...
  4. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Agreed. ONLY If it makes actual sense beyond financial shell games. If it is economically viable then why wouldn't the power companies already have more renewable energy sources on line, without being incentivized?
  5. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Are they embarrassed about the behavior that I have mentioned previously? The parts that aren't addressed here? Har dee har har! Fools choice! That thar is mee. I don't need to eat bugs. The World Economic Forum sure likes to promote it. Bugs are in food now. I am thankful that I am not being...
  6. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Probably wouldn't end well. We don't have to have NO government to have less government. Of course each responsible individual should be self governing, we must have a civilization to maintain humanity if it were actually cheaper, as I said before. I am doubtful that these sorts of projects...
  7. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    CO2 has been proven to be necessary for photosynthesis. CO2 has not been proven to cause climate catastrophe.
  8. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    Ill watch for a spike in output.
  9. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    So maybe we need shutters to batten down during the extreme events. Or an automatic awning.
  10. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    I only have an off grid array to be concerned with, it seems that turning off the breaker on the array wouldn't likely help anything, or am I wrong? The forecast is showing G3 now.
  11. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    Thanks for the clarification. Do you mean transformer in the inverter?
  12. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    Would tripping the breaker help the situation off grid? Are the short grid of a pv panel be enough to induce damaging current?
  13. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend.

    Im in the green not far from red area, it is sunny now, hopefully we will see it, and nothing gets damaged.
  14. MTM98290

    4 X class solar flares to impact this weekend. Should I be getting the space blakets out?
  15. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    I know that you can not see it, but it is happening regardless. The 'Climate Crisis' induced by CO2 is based an appeal to authority, plain and simple. Trust the experts, right? We all have motives to some degree. I do not believe in unbiased humans. I have a motive, it is that I care about the...
  16. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    We have been forced upon, for a long time, it just takes the right pre conditioning to get people to go along. Engineered problem>predetermined action>desired solution.
  17. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    If that were actually the case, then It would make sense, but it isn't typically the case. The only way to mitigate this is to use batteries, which aren't sustainable at this point. If we can come up with a better way to extract and recycle lithium then it might be viable. I would guess that...
  18. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    CO2 is required for plant life, CO2 is not a 'carbon emission' to be feared, it is a building block of life on the planet. While supplementing CO2 into greenhouses without other considerations will likely do little, it is just one thing that one does to increase yields. Fans in greenhouses are...
  19. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Freedom does come with responsibility, and we exercise that responsibility every time we successfully pilot an automobile in a safe manner. What I mean here is that if our local government puts solar on a building, it is just offsetting hydroelectric power from the grid. The turbines at the dam...
  20. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    I do love the GMT 800 platform vehicles. Yes vehicles can be dangerous, although generally the bigger and higher quality models are much safer than the 'green' alternatives. They stink only if you put your face in front of the tailpipe, which I don't do, and are only as loud as they need to be...
  21. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    You make a good point about the heat pump system. It is superior from an efficiency standpoint. I was considering resistance heat, but the heat pump system will outperform propane it seems as it is COP of 5. This system still requires thousands of dollars worth of equipment. If one can not...
  22. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    I may have made an error in my wording, I mean "governments are implementing 'green' energy incentivization and deployment, based on the idea that the plant food called CO2 is causing detrimental harm. All of those societal issues were present when they grew citrus in Britain, or when the...
  23. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Choosing the most inefficient possible use of propane doesn't prove much here. How about comparing propane for heating? The thing that gets people killed is freezing for due to lack of energy. Heat is the number one energy concern for any building in my opinion. So how then does the propane...
  24. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    I love my truck based SUV. Thank you government regulation. We could save more energy by reducing the size of government. Think how many MWh could be saved if there weren't as many government workers to provide power for. Lowering the demand on the system is always a simpler solution to...
  25. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    So you are telling me that when you are renting for the day or week every single item or sevice you use, you will be glad it isn't warmer? Do you think that war, terror, disease, famine, and immigration will be reduced because of a global government implemented under the guise of anthropogenic...
  26. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Governments and corporations are wasting land with it. Solar does nothing for constant supply when it is needed as we already know. We do have government groups that provide assistance to the average homeowner. Governments do have a role to play, but it doesn't need to be banning natural gas to...
  27. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Yes the wolf is not a minuscule increase in CO2, it is the scientific technological elite and their systems of control as Dwight D Eisenhower warned of. Readily available, deployable, and scalable energy. How many batteries do you need to replace 5 gallons of propane? Even with inefficiencies...
  28. MTM98290

    who is still burning wood in april? I have no Idea about your fire rules, but here on the wet side of Washington State these are not considered open fires. They are always allowed, It may be worth checking into. We have one just like it that my wife found and brought home. It was old...
  29. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    The politicians ARE. It may not be long term, however we cant shut off the supply of prosperity enabling energy that is available now. We can't build alternative systems without energy. If we stop or slow at some point it needs to be planned for. No it isn't easy to turn around. Tyrants don't...
  30. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    We do not have an unbiased sensor for every input into the system that is the Earth's atmosphere. Any small inaccuracy can skew conclusions quite a bit. Maybe even 1.5C. WEF, C40, Unesco, UN Agenda 21/2030, The Club of Rome and on and on. They put their plans out for the public and they sure do...
  31. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    The Earth and the Sun have gone through many cycles. It is not unreasonable to believe that the temperature will change, it is however very unreasonable to attribute warming to human activity due to Co2. It is even more unreasonable to use this belief to DESTROY western civilization. The...
  32. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    Operation Mockingbird media and the actual scientists are not the same thing. Most Scientists the oft quoted 99% of scientists agree are comprised of a sampling of scientists, most of whom are not even climate scientists agreed. They are likely serious people who take their given discipline of...
  33. MTM98290

    Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

    There are a lot who know more than climate (change) scientists, most people do, they just don't like to admit it because it is uncomfortable. 99% of Salesmen at the Ford Dealership agree that you should buy a Ford. It's settled, denier. Government and or 'science' worship is the replacement...