diy solar

diy solar

A solar panel that works at night!?!?

It won't be on our roofs anytime soon, but a fun bit of research to think about:
Out of interest, my uv is 25 watts but this seems a bit too much for the batteries at 2.3 amps when combined with our uk weather those clouds again. Ive seen a 16-watt bulb which is about 1.3 amps which is the lowest you can get, thats a good amp saving per day and hour I think. These should do the trick I think and are far cheaper than the ones i'm using.

Space craft have been using heat rejection as a power source for decades (ref), the technology is well proven.

But, unlike solar panels, you have to supply the input energy. Hate to be negative, but coupled with a low efficiency I don't see it ever being practical unless you've a low-temperature source of energy at your finger tips (space craft typically use heat from nuclear decay).
Space craft have been using heat rejection as a power source for decades (ref), the technology is well proven.

But, unlike solar panels, you have to supply the input energy. Hate to be negative, but coupled with a low efficiency I don't see it ever being practical unless you've a low-temperature source of energy at your finger tips (space craft typically use heat from nuclear decay).
maybe the issues are infact the batteries. they either taking ages to charge or can only be used to 50%, very inefficient I think.

i,m surprised that a combo of wind and solar generation hasn't been done. so you get wind turbines that's too large for say a rv, but if you think about it, instead of a large propeller, you could have different types. for people who moves about i small induction type where the forward movement drives wind and turns a small propalla. a bit like a ram air.

And this made me laugh, you can buy ram air turbines from planes hahah but without a tube which you could knock up yourself.