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diy solar

AiLi shunt battery monitor and inverter


New Member
Mar 18, 2024
NW Louisiana, USA
I have had an AiLi shunt-style battery monitor installed on my lead-acid battery in my motor home for nearly a year. It has worked flawlessly. I just installed a Progressive PD1600 series inverter. Nothing about the AiLi battery monitor was changed. However, even when plugged in to shore power my AiLi battery monitor shows decreasing state of charge. This makes no sense. There is no way I am actually using more power than the 50 amps provided by the pedestal. Why would my SOC on my battery monitor be decreasing? Is it possible that my shunt-style battery monitor is not compatible with my inverter? Please excuse if this if it is a "silly-newbee question" and educate me. Newbee here.
The shunt doesn't care about what kind of inverter you have, it only cares which direction the current is flowing and how fast. It sounds more like there's something not wired up right and it's reading current backwards or something.

When you disconnect the shore power, what does the meter show? How about when you unplug the inverter? The shunt should show a decrease with the inverter connected because of standby draw. Is your shorepower turned on or maybe the shunt is reading the drain of the inverter but not seeing anything coming in from the shore power charger?

The shunt should be the ONLY thing connected to the battery negative terminal, anything else on there isn't going to be seen by it. I've messed up the programming on those before by connecting a charger directly to the battery. Since it was on the wrong side of the shunt, it thought I had a HUGE battery because it kept seeing the discharge but couldn't see the charge.

A wiring diagram or pictures might help if you can't find anything obvious.
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