diy solar

diy solar

buss bars in solar panel


New Member
Sep 21, 2019
are solar panels with 2 buss bars not as good as 4 buss bars ...when i read around i get no where .some help would be apprecited ......
4 metal strips takes more surface area so gives a little less active surface area per cell, but 4 strips gives more bonding points so can carry more current, lowers internal cell resistance and is less prone to the effects of microcracks.

Ultimately, IMO, its one of those how much space do you have questions? If you have the space, the differences in power production between cell designs (and there are heaps and heaps of variations) can be overcome by adding more panels.
are 2 bussbars older solar panals . it look like thay don't make thim any more i need to know this...
No, just different. There are advantages and disadvantages to both more and less strips. The key thing to consider is that you buy quality panels, as much as your budget will allow, from a reputable seller. If you buy bottom shelf as cheap as you can get, it doesn't matter if the cells have 2, 4, 5 strips as the manufacturing process of the panel over all is likely to result in it failing earlier than you'd like.