diy solar

diy solar

CA guvna Givin' Nuisance

Hmm, $20 an hour would translate to something like $40,000 per year. Without context, that doesn't sound like much as Chris Kempczinski, the CEO of McDonald's, was paid $19,200,000 last year in salary, bonuses and stock, according to federal securities filings, nearly 500 times what an average full time worker will get under this new minimum wage.

We can get an indication if that minimum wage is reasonable, by consulting the Big Mac Index. (The Big Mac index is a way of measuring Purchasing Power Parity between different countries) For example McDonald’s employees in Denmark earn even more than $20 an hour and in addition they get six weeks of paid vacation. Now according to the Big Mac index the Purchasing Power Power is the same as in the US, so even that $20 minimum seems low, unless California is a cheaper place to live than in the rest of the US.

It seems to me that the CEO is overpaid and the workers underpaid but here is a novel idea, the next time you go to McDonald's, be brave and complain to the workers serving you, that they get paid too much.
I recommend not using McDonalds and let them disappear. Read Bill Gates is the McDonalds french fry dealer. Have you seen the titties on Gates. Bet Gates could nurse himself. Ppl wanting McDonalds Go to store buy sack taters, some fatty hamburger meat, and loaf of bread make your own. Buy some tyson chicken nuggets from that business - fired American workers to hire illegal replacements. Traded required vaxxed employees for unvaxxed. Died suddenly.

Say good bye to another icon…-McDonalds. I read McDonalds started in California and the original owners got screwed out of their business. After it goes out of business Let the workers get unemployment until that expires. Then tell them need join Military.

Again the displaced workers can then join Joe Biden’s military. Free college and health care. He’ll send them to Ukraine soon - they can get a sex change - get their nuts shot off in a worthless war.. Women get to go for draft too. Equal rights. Draft will be up to 50 years old. Ukraine has been sending retards into battle so no mo 4f everyone 50 years old and younger goes.

Are you mad at Bill Gates?

Communism has never worked. Communist always reply but “you never seen real communism.” What communism does is destroy the middle class and make haves…. And have nots. The countries get squeezed like an orange and broken….. robbed.
Even Sweden a once shining star was broken with illegal immigration - outsiders without same common goals.

Raising minimum wage has always followed with inflation…now the CEO and ppl like Gates will go up on prices for food again. You are not going to hurt the upper class. That $20 hour McDonalds job means that food will now cost them an hours wage per meal. A McDonalds hamburger use to be .53 cents with cheese… $3.69 .. for that same smaller hamburger.

I imagine that among the uneducated it must be an effective ad hominem.
The True elitist comes out.
You are not smarter than anyone else.

I do see people ranting about this minimum wage, seriously, have any of you considered a career in the fast food business?
A career in Fast food does not mean Flipping burgers for 20 years.
It’s called self development.

Entry level Fast food was for teenagers and Retirees not a grown ass man supporting a family.
It seems to me that the CEO is overpaid and the workers underpaid but here is a novel idea, the next time you go to McDonald's, be brave and complain to the workers serving you, that they get paid too much
If Mickey Ds CEO making too much then don’t buy their products.
Obviously they are providing value to someone because people keep buying their stuff.
If they weren’t they would be out of business.

Whining about it and sabotaging the market just makes them go somewhere else so nobody has food or a job.

Kinda like all these Retailers pulling out of liberal cites who don’t prosecute shoplifters.
I guess they are just supposed to stay there and suck it up huh?

You children need to learn how supply and demand works.
Want a socialist country then move to one.

As far as the current state of affairs look no further than the guy who’s been in Government 53 years and sitting in the WH.
McDonalds has already been doing everything they can to automate their facilities .... This mandatory wage increase is going to escalate that and also make the automation more accepted by customers.
It will eliminate the opportunity of a part time job for a lot of people who need it.
McDonalds has already been doing everything they can to automate their facilities .... This mandatory wage increase is going to escalate that and also make the automation more accepted by customers.
It will eliminate the opportunity of a part time job for a lot of people who need it.

This is yet another reason not to spend money on McDonald's poison. I wish we would all bankrupt the McDonald's of the world. They are an "essential business" though, so what do I know.
This is yet another reason not to spend money on McDonald's poison. I wish we would all bankrupt the McDonald's of the world. They are an "essential business" though, so what do I know.
Like I said they are providing value to somebody.
Not me particularly but someone.
Until that ceases they will be in business.

Likely the people supporting Mickey Ds are the very people that don’t need that food.

Perhaps that is the nefarious reason for raising wages.
Get people to stop eating there.

Haven’t eaten fast food in 40 years probably.
Even as a child we couldn’t afford it so didn’t.
As a young adult did stop at them if driving on Vacation or something but definitely not daily or even weekly.
Can’t imagine a steady diet of it.

IMHO Processed foods are not good for you but that’s my opinion.
You are not smarter than anyone else.
Anyone? If the is one person in the world who is dumber, we would be.

A career in Fast food does not mean Flipping burgers for 20 years.
True, imagine you could work yourself up from the basic $20 per hour...

It’s called self development.
Sometimes we need some education, it starts with our parents, the school system and later on, people on a forum might be kind enough to point out that $20 per hour is not that much.

Entry level Fast food was for teenagers and Retirees not a grown ass man supporting a family.
No one is forcing you to take the job.
Oh? Specific bill references to lowering wages ?
Sure, reduce, or even remove the minimum wage. While I would most likely disagree with such a policy, the haters should also be allowed to vote on it. Maybe find a candidate to champion your cause?

Keeping them the same is not lowering them.
Biden can rightly claim that under his administration the economy added millions of jobs, but that doesn't help when wages don't keep up with inflation.

Try learning Econ 101 before spouting nonsense.
Really? People are upset that fast food workers earn too much at $20 per hour. The reality is obvious, no one here seems to be rushing in their application to work those jobs and one can reasonably conclude that despite the rhetoric, even the $20 per hour is not enough to persuade anyone here to change careers.

When I see some one earn a fair or even a good wage for an honest day's work, I don't begrudge them their $20, I am actually happy for them. I am not even upset with the CEO of McDonald's, who gets 500 times that.
Sure, reduce, or even remove the minimum wage. While I would most likely disagree with such a policy, the haters should also be allowed to vote on it. Maybe find a candidate to champion your cause?
Why does the government have to decide. The market is better qualified to decide this. ( Remember the government only spends money )
Biden can rightly claim that under his administration the economy added millions of jobs, but that doesn't help when wages don't keep up with inflation.
This is a "narrative" that the mainstream media supports. Biden can NOT "rightly" claim added jobs into this lie that you believe is disappointing.
Biden can rightly claim that under his administration the economy added millions of jobs, but that doesn't help when wages don't keep up with inflation.
Oh you are one of those ignorant liberals.
The only Jobs Biden added were from Covid shutdown getting their old jobs back.and Government jobs.

Why do we have inflation bright boy?

It couldn’t possibly be the Keynesian economics morons who flooded the market with Trillions of $.

Like I said before you have no idea what you are talking about.
Sure, reduce, or even remove the minimum wage. While I would most likely disagree with such a policy, the haters should also be allowed to vote on it. Maybe find a candidate to champion your cause?
No you said a political party is fighting to lower wages.

Which party? and I want specifics bills that have been submitted to lower wages.