diy solar

diy solar

can this special charger controller do its job correctly?


New Member
Jan 5, 2022
i found a company selling wind turbine combo charger controller with divert load, where also abundant power from solars can be used for example for heating...

as i went through its cycle it works like this(BMO)
1: AC3 phase power comes from turbine to manual switch and then to rectifier, making DC
2: positive cable from rectifier goes to relay switch AND to battery positive pole too
3: negative from rectifier goes to negative pole of dump load AND to the battery negative pole in the same time
4: voltage sensor monitors if the battery is fully charged and then triggers the relay, which moves all the power to the dump load, until battery voltage goes down to set value, then the dump load is disconnected and power goes back to battery and again and again. lets suppose this is setup correctly and it only diverts abundant power from turbine after battery is fully charged...

for purpose of this question, lets forget the dump load part of circuit

question to this scenario is: can a battery be charged directly from rectifier? without any dc-dc stepup/down converter?

isnt the voltage from rectifier jumping up and down based on wind speed turning the turbine?

maybe i missed something, but im afraid, that there can be situation, when for example standard 12v battery will be charged with voltage higher then 14.4v coming directly from rectifier without dc/dc converter and also opposite situation may happen, that there will be not high enough voltage coming from rectifier, if wind is slow, lets say 7V and battery will not be charged during these periods...
That rectifier just takes the three-phase AC from the turbine and feeds that into the charge controller - which will take care of the voltage.
If it has enough of it, obviously, or it just won't charge.
I just can't find what type the controller is - MPPT, PWM, or what. Funny that :·)
question to this scenario is: can a battery be charged directly from rectifier? without any dc-dc stepup/down converter?

isnt the voltage from rectifier jumping up and down based on wind speed turning the turbine?
It depends. Not straight from the rectifier.

The description says it has a charge controller which should have logic and memory to appropriately output charging voltage for a battery. So in this case it apoears the answer is yes it can charge a battery.

The idea of feeding it solar to use the dump load to make heat to me seems like going 360 degrees around the barn to use a door 20 degrees away though.
there is nothing else, than photo shows. which means, that the so called charge controller is just a voltage sensor, which triggers the relay. check the cablings... cables from rectifier goes to battery, not to the black box called charge controller... so nothing holds voltage from running up and dow... nothing stabilizes the voltage to lets say 13.6v or 14.4...
True. The schematics from the "manual" are... dubious at best.
I have a wind turbine. I have a controller for it, I paid some €30. Works just fine. It has a brake function, though I haven't tested it (not enough wind).
I have a "manual" one anyway, I made it just in case. Just a little switch that shorts the wires.

I would just get one of those for the wind, and a decent MPPT one for the sun. $345 for that seems rather absurd.