diy solar

diy solar

Current sensor and display


Solar Wizard
Sep 27, 2020
Hello everyone,

My MotorHome is older (2000), one item on rigs newer than mine are current sensors on the 120v lines. That way you know how many amps your rig is using.

I would like that information, so I can just glance and know what is happening on both legs of power (50a service). The range is 0 to 50 amps. I can power either with 120v or 12v very easily.

I have not been able to find something that will work in my space.

Here are the constraints:

Clamp-on sensors - needs to be small enough to go in my circuit breaker panel.

Distance: the sensors will need to be about 20 feet from the displays.

Displays: I want just a basic current display. And I want them fairly small. I don’t have a lot of room where they will be. Both of them in a 2” x 2” area would be ideal. (Bonus if they are not very thick).

Also, if I put a clamp on the neutral wire - will I get a combined reading? (There is no 240v stuff).

I figured the very smart people here will be able to point me into a good direction.
