diy solar

diy solar

Danger Will Robinson, solar power can kill you!


Solar Addict
Sep 24, 2019
I was searching and this popped up. Some new age holistic crap about dirty power from solar and you don't want to be near it. She had a fancy scope showing the imminent danger to your body. It was a triangular waveform with some noise. Didn't look like any kind of power I had ever seen. So, this authority could not even tell me what the scope was attached to. If you need a chuckle.
Just don't confuse holistic and homeopathic though lol.

Holistic is good. Most doctors these days try to use this approach as there's a strong link between recovery and good mental health.

Homeopathic is quackery.

Also can't wait to watch this one....
Oh lord. That cheap scope and garbage probes she has is probably the source of most of the noise and I'm guessing she is supplying herself with that triangular wave form and the red line is her actual AC output.

I know if you get some goofy harmonics you can get a triangular wave like that but I seriously doubt she's doing anything legitimate here.
That waveform doesn't have much to do with the solar panels anyway. She is measuring the AC side, so it's all inverter; assuming, of course, that she wasn't supplying her own waveform for the sake of some YouTube subscribers and likes (imagine that!).
I'd be willing to bet someone a beer she's supplying it herself. No reason for two probes on an AC outlet.
100mv scale, 500mv peak to peak. Looks like background noise to me. I also see she is plugged into a surge protector, that alone can cause the noise she is seeing. Anything powered up can cause the noise.
100mv scale, 500mv peak to peak. Looks like background noise to me. I also see she is plugged into a surge protector, that alone can cause the noise she is seeing. Anything powered up can cause the noise.
That's exactly what I saw on the freq display. Gain is turned up sky high and it's all just background and internal instrument noise.
I figured she had a loop pickup sitting just under the power supply common mode inductor of the scope.
100mv scale, 500mv peak to peak. Looks like background noise to me. I also see she is plugged into a surge protector, that alone can cause the noise she is seeing. Anything powered up can cause the noise.
Didn't even notice that. Good catch. Was too busy laughing at it.

That actually adds evidence to my theory that she's just manufactured that wave herself.

I'm still trying to figure out why she's got two probes to check one AC source.
I re-watched her vid. When in the frequency display, she's not actually talking about the noise, but a couple of spikes just barely larger than the background noise. At that scaling, those peaks are insignificant and still just some random crap.

She has no clue what she is looking at. "can't make a recommendation until I see your site". Yeah.... I don't think so.
I re-watched her vid. When in the frequency display, she's not actually talking about the noise, but a couple of spikes just barely larger than the background noise. At that scaling, those peaks are insignificant and still just some random crap.

She has no clue what she is looking at. "can't make a recommendation until I see your site". Yeah.... I don't think so.
I mean yeah. But what's giving her the triangle wave
My fondest memory is selling an empty ROBIE THE ROBOT box for $200 plus shipping on ebay!
I see you met my neighbor, you wouldn't want to live near someone like this cause it can be stressful. It's funny for first few times then after a bit if you aren't playing along with their games they get vindictive.
This whole thing has echoes of free-energy scams and even ghostbusters.

Reading her interaction with YouTube viewer comments is revealing. She's proposing people hire someone like her, a "building biologist," and says the filtering needed to get rid of "dirty electricity" can range from $400 to $5000. I'm betting that if what she proposes does cost that much, there's a really healthy affiliate commission built in. Or, maybe she's actually manufacturing the product.

The effects of non-ionizing RF fields on the human body is a deeply researched topic. There is no scientific evidence to support the fear she's spreading. As an amateur radio operator, I have to evaluate any new transmitter I set up for RF exposure, both to me and to my neighbors. It takes a surprising level of power to heat human tissue to the point of causing a health risk.

One of her viewers asks if a grounding rod will help protect him, and her response makes her pitch crystal clear: "The bottom line is this- do you feel better using it?"

There is a small portion of the population susceptible to fear of exposure to electromagnetic waves, some who think it's the same as nuclear weapons fallout, and others who think claiming a cancer risk will get the new 5G tower removed from their neighborhood. I'm not sure whether she's intentionally bamboozling people, or whether she's just fallen into this pit of ignorance herself and is finding validation and financial support through her YouTube channel. Either way, in my opinion, she's using modern technology to sell snake oil.
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There is a small portion of the population susceptible to fear of exposure to electromagnetic waves, some who think it's the same as nuclear weapons fallout, and others who think claiming a cancer risk will get the new 5G tower removed from their neighborhood. I'm not sure whether she's intentionally bamboozling people, or whether she's just fallen into this pit of ignorance herself and is finding validation and financial support through her YouTube channel. Either way, in my opinion, she's using modern technology to sell snake oil.
Based on some of her other videos, she seems to genuinely believe what she's peddling, but isn't afraid to exaggerate to get her point across, and doesn't really seem to technically understand the material.
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Well that’s just silly.

Everyone knows that a tin foil hat will provide adequate protection. ?