diy solar

diy solar

Does my sketch make sense for Inverter and Disconnects? First time working with MC and EMT and PVC conduit…


New Member
Aug 2, 2023
Eugene, OR
Does my sketch make sense? 10/4w ground MC in attic. I’ll strip off like 6-7 ft. of the metal and pull that through the EMT (no wire nuts or junction box) and use an MC to EMT coupler connector to put them together. The DC box is plastic but will use the grounding strip inside.

Out of the DC box, an LL conduit body up through 3/4 EMT to the inverter.

Inverter down to AC disconnect with PVC, and then PVC up to the sub panel (really a dedicated branch).

The existing sub panel is mounted too high (over 6’ 7”) to serve as a disconnect, so I’m getting a square D 60a safety switch. The lowest point of the setup is about 3’ 7” off the ground.

Sorry about my printing, lol… my cursive is better, I promise!
