diy solar

diy solar

Eg4 Wi-Fi dongle signal SN numbers not coming up on iPhone s


New Member
Apr 26, 2024
Roatan Honduras
set up first of two systems. EG4-6000XP s. set up monitor program. dongle flashing one light at bottom. two iPhones with Wi-Fi ask to join set up. No dongle SN number comes up. after a weeks with Signature solar sending me instructions on how to do what I already did many times. suggesting blue tooth, buying special Wi-Fi dongle. never addressing the fact that dongle not broadcasting its numbers. sending them pictures, number on dongle. checking connection of dongle and its wiring. adjusting L bracket behind the little box dongle screws in lower so it can plug in a bit deeper. No signal numbers come up on two phones. finally, I took the other dongle from other inverter I have yet to install and plugged it in and it instantly came up. ran up to station monitor computer added new dongle number to station and came back to inverter with iPhone added dongle and three lights and good to go no problems...
now the problem is I can't get signature solar to acknowledge that it just may be a bad dongle or even tell where I can buy a new one. I have other system to install and can do it mashing buttons on inverter, but owner of system can't be bothered, and I live on the other side of the island an hour away. so having monitor program is really cool as hell to see the usage and make necessary adjustment to fit usage. Can anyone tell me where to buy a new dongle from.
I give up on Signature Solar every two or three days ask for pictures that are sitting on the same long page and ask question that have been answered already and then wait and wait for the answer. How do I get a new dongle? no answer yet.. They have not put that answer in their answer book, I guess.
I'm located in Honduras in the bay islands on Roatan. would EG4 send me a dongle?? who would I contact there? All help much appreciated.