diy solar

diy solar

HA on RPi?


Photon Sorceress
Aug 17, 2022
Just trying to get my head around installing HA on a Raspberry Pi 5 running Raspbian.

The HA guides recommend completely imaging the RPi with the HA 'specific purpose OS'.

Is it not possible to just run HA as a stand-alone application alongside other stuff? Anyone done this? Have RPi 5 with 8G RAM and SSD, so have plenty of processing power.
HA on a Raspbian is unsupported and will not install unless you get round some deliberate code set to stop you, even then it fails. Been there and got the T shirt. Went instead for HA OS on a mini Windows PC, everytime it rebooted it took my router out and the home network died. Now I just use Raspbian with node-red display pulling data from MQTT.

I followed this unsuccessfully

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I outgrew using my RPi4 for Home Assistant, it just didn't have the grunt, storage or backup capability I felt important as Home Assistant grew and became more important to our home's operation. I migrated to a mini PC using Proxmox to set up virtual machines, one of which is Home Assistant.

I recently repurposed the RPi4 as a second instance of Solar Assistant dedicated to monitoring my LiFePO4 batteries.
grab a cheap used USFF pc, you'll get the full power of a computer, even out performing older servers. as @wattmatters mentioned, HA is a bit of a resource hog, especially as you add more and more to it. storing, and specifically computing all of that statistical data can add up fast.

i'm using a HP t640 thinclient ( was $50 used ), running a whole hypervisor ( proxmox ) on it with a few vms! basically a home server on a THINCLIENT ( which is normally just used to remote into your virtual workstation ), so it's theoretically less powerful than a USFF, but more than enough oompf.

a usff is basically a laptop in a box, but smaller, and thus more energy efficient, can expect a draw of ~5-10 watts if you use a ssd in it.
when you include the used electronics market in your decision making, rasperry pis suddenly become a total rip off :(


if your lucky enough to find a used hp microserver for cheap, that's probably an ideal setup. 25 watts and you have a full fledged server with raid. dual eth, so you could toss your router and plop on pfsense in a vm... but now i'm going overboard :p
I was killing a SD card a week, having only connected 2 inverters and a few temperature sensors :D.
Raspi is great if you really have to store a few measuremnts per hour in my opinion, unless you can connect a HDD/SSD (been threre too).
I had many versions of HA installed, starting from running from docker, then CORE, and finally using a dedicated VM.
Over time I moved all telemetry data to INFLUX, and have Grafana to visualize it, Node Red to sync, and at the end of the day, HA is used to be an on/off solution and quick battery overview.


now my data on grafana dashboard