diy solar

diy solar

Hi from CO


New Member
Oct 2, 2019
Hey all - checking in from Colorado. I work on van conversions that use solar power system, LiFePO4 batteries and related components. I'm looking forward to learning a lot and sharing the knowledge in the vehicle world.

I'll also be troubleshooting my father's solar power shed that he set up and has never made work properly. I'm sure ya'll will be able to sort it out right away.

@Will Prowse - fantastic job on the forum. it's perfect. congrats on the house and the car. we're all really excited and proud of you. I'm glad you're getting to see some of the rewards of your hard work. Looking forward to whatever you come up with next!
Thank you!! :)

And you will love it here. Lots of great people and information. Great spot to ask/find whatever you need!