diy solar

diy solar

How to prevent backfeed?

The only question I have is if that thing can passthrough 200A of grid power, it seems to me like it does, but I'm hoping for clarification. This also seems like a better way to go to either have no batteries, minimal batteries, or being able to put off the purchase of batteries. With a no export option the EG4 shouldn't backfeed during outages, correct?
Correct, you can hold off on batteries and try the net metering ("The Grid Is My Battery") thing and see if they notice. Then either buy batteries or set Zero Export, which means you'll pay for night-time power.

You'll never backfeed during outages anyway, that's UL1741.

There's a setting for Zero Export, which may let occasional bursts of excess power through when heavy loads turn off, and there's another one for Fast Zero Export, which will allow none at all.
Did they connect to a different location because of the easement issues? Usually they can force a land owner to give easement if they don't agree to it by emanate domain. Even private power utilities can do this because of laws allow them to they have to go to court. It's a long process most people just give them easement.

When I upgraded to 200 amp they told me if I needed larger wire underground it would be at my cost on my property lucky for me the wire was big enough. It went under my driveway we use lot of power here I suspect they just install larger wire one of the drawbacks of not having overhead wiring.
Did they connect to a different location because of the easement issues? Usually they can force a land owner to give easement if they don't agree to it by emanate domain. Even private power utilities can do this because of laws allow them to they have to go to court. It's a long process most people just give them easement.

When I upgraded to 200 amp they told me if I needed larger wire underground it would be at my cost on my property lucky for me the wire was big enough. It went under my driveway we use lot of power here I suspect they just install larger wire one of the drawbacks of not having overhead wiring.

nope, everything went with the original plan. We agreed that is was my responsibility to secure a 3ft easement to the pole for the underground run, and the rest would be up to them, which probably means it'll just stay status quo