diy solar

diy solar

Mounting tp6048


Solar Wizard
Dec 24, 2022
My sungold tp6048 gets here tomorrow and Im planning on mounting to a 1/4" steel sheet I have and then mounting that to the wall with spacers between the steel plate and the wall at each bolt going into the wall. I had a house fire 30 years ago (was wiring fault, not my doing :) ) so Im very paranoid about fire risk and such.

I figure that the plate steel sheet should dissipate heat thus lowering the odds of fire and such.

The reason Im asking about this is in case Im missing some scenario where this would be a bad idea. Can this lead to issues mounting the inverter on a LARGE conductor like this?

The sheet of steel is 4 foot wide by 6 or more feet long. Going to cut it down some but not a lot so it can touch the concrete floor at the bottom to dissipate heat that way too.

So good idea or bad idea and if bad why?
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Im going to answer my own question on this one in case someone else runs into it.

Using a giant sheet of 1/4" plate steel is a BAD idea if you want wifi to work with the unit. Actually using the plate steel is a bad idea if you want wifi anywhere around the plate what so ever.

It knocked out the wifi for the sungold unit, wifi cameras, wifi temperature senders, etc. Not good.

Ended up using two 2x6's to mount it. Wifi restored :)
Go with hardy or wonder cement board over a sheet rock wall very safe for inverter installation
I may do that later. The unit itself is 2 inches from the wall now with how its mounted so I have good air circulation on it.

Im old and that suckers is HEAVY so it will be a bit before I try removing it but if I do I will probably go with the boarding your mentioning but being rural everything has to be ordered here so it wasnt an option right after the plate steel fiasco. Im going to buy one of these for lifting it in the future...

farm jack.jpg
This is what it looked like right after I got it mounted to the wall.
