diy solar

diy solar

My wish list for future 48v LiFePO4 server rack format battery vendors..


Solar Addict
Sep 23, 2019
I'm dreaming here (assuming current chemistry tech):

  1. Built-in wifi/web server, management software that can communicate with all batteries in bank and expose a REST API for remote monitoring
  2. Remotely programmable heaters (allow to self-preheat even if not recieving PV)
  3. Configurable terminal location (side, front, back)
  4. Standard form factor/size
  5. Pluggable smaller battery cell modules into a integrated rack/bus chassis to allow lighter modules to be installed, and build/add on to the battery as needed. (250lbs batteries are nuts to install!)
Also how about full climate management for cooling/heating like the tesla power wall for people in hot weather like the south.