diy solar

diy solar

New Sunsynk System Query


New Member
Dec 26, 2022
I just had solar panels and battery fitted a few days ago, I don’t really know anything about them apart from they are Sunsynk. I’ve got the app and noticed that today when we were generating more solar power than we were using in the house the excess seemed to be going back to the grid with only a minimal amount going to the battery even though the battery was only at 21%. I’ve tried making some changes on the control panel and so far managed to figure out how to charge the battery from the grid, put on a timer for when the battery is used but I can’t figure out a setting which tells it to put all the excess power into the battery and not just a tiny bit. Can anyone help?
I only know the Deye unit...
Is there a general settings page - which has "zero export CT" - "selling First"... It may have a "battery first" or "load first" set.
I assume it knows a battery is there & has been using it?