diy solar

diy solar

North facing mountainside - is solar worth it?

Hmmm, interesting point about the slope and panels facing south. Something that I need to consider.

It's really not the direction the hill (slope) faces, but whether you can have direct sunlight on the face of the panels. That's entirely possible with a north-facing slope, IF the angle of the slope is not too steep, and there are no other obstructions that shade the panels.
Sounds like you do not own the property?
Images might help us with ideas.
There are numerous options. Keep researching and good luck!
YouTube channel Red Poppy Ranch is about a family that set up an off-grid home on the north side of a mountain in Idaho. They have solar, battery and generator combo that they have made work. As they set up they made some mistakes and shared those as well as the successes.
North slope is worthwhile if you want electricity in the summer. So long has you have enough area completely unshaded for enough hours.
Maybe one long row of panels tilted South, uphill.

I plan to put PV panels on a north facing roof slope. At my latitude, sun goes well past overhead in Summer.

Cost of PV panels and MPPT SCC channel is not high, compared to balance of system. An inverter/charger with batteries and generator would provide power in winter, more pleasant than operating generator 24/7, and PV saves you running generator when there is sun.

Is there flowing water? Even seasonal?
Good Evening,

There is a stream however it is not located on the property, otherwise I would consider hydro.

I was out there today looking at the fall sunlight and it may be doable - more to come.