diy solar

diy solar

"Off-Grid" EG4 18Kpv and Wallmount batteries, Solar Assistant, how much power am I 'wasting'?


Solar Joules are catch and release
Jul 6, 2023
Turks & Caicos Islands
I'm awaiting delivery of (2) EG4 18Pkv inverters and (6) EG4 PowerPro Wallmount batteries so I can convert my grid-tie system into an off-grid(*) one.

I've oversized the solar array(s) and the batteries so as not to have to worry about (or require family members to have to worry about) managing power consumption. Now I'll have the opposite 'problem', overproduction.

Is there a way with the EG4 inverters (and/or Solar Assistant integration) to tell that my batteries are charged, my loads are covered, and I'm 'wasting' some number of KW of unused solar production? I know the solar inputs will be throttled down to match extant requirements, is there a way to tell how much they are throttled?

I'm envisioning some kind of insolation measurement (I already have pretty good results with though it's not close to my array, but $160 for another one is easy considering the rest of the sunk costs) and a mapping to "at this time of day with this insolation I can produce X KW, and I'm only producing Y, so I'm wasting (X-Y), and if you want to fire up the clothes dryer or charge a golf cart, this would be a good time".

I hate to reinvent the wheel if something like this already exists. Dump loads like hot water heaters run out of margin pretty quickly once they reach 'scalding', so I'm thinking of something a little more useful like the above.


(*) Mostly off-grid? Zero export certainly, depending on the CondoAssociationHavingJuristictionButNoKnowledge, might just go completely off-grid or use a couple of Chargeverters to isolate myself. Anyway, for the purposes of this query, consider it off-grid.
If you already have a grid tie system then why can't you just keep exporting any excess after your batteries are full?