diy solar

diy solar

Please check out my panel math


New Member
Jun 26, 2022
hello I have a growatt 5000es system and currently have a 6x 370w panel array, I’m adding an additional 6 of the same panels soon. I was thinking of running them as either 6s2p or maybe a 8 panel series and a 4 panels series because of mounts,
Then parallel down 100’ of 10 gage wire that is in current use,

Growatt spec:

  • Maximum PV Array Power: 6000W.
  • MPPT Range @ Operating Voltage: 120VDC – 430VDC.
  • Maximum PV Array Open Circuit Voltage: 450vDC.
  • Maximum Solar Charge Current: 100 amps
Panel spec
Current 6 panel array series
370watt =2200watts
VOC 41= 246Volt
Amps 11.42

So in a 6s2p it would be 4400 watts at 22.84 amps for all 12 panels going done the 10gage wires for 100’ Which I believe ok as I’m not adding the voltage past the 246 volts correct per string? Would there be a problem if a did unequal strings of a 8 and a 4 for 12 total panels? Or is there a different config I need or should consider? Thanks for reading
6S2P looks OK but your proposed 8S string and paralleled to 4S string will not work out. They would have to be separate arrays connected to their own SCC. Plus the voltage drop for the 4S would need looking up at 100ft.