diy solar

diy solar

Protecting my order with Trade Assurance


New Member
Feb 9, 2021
I have found a supplier on Alibaba that seems legit but want to make sure my order is properly protected by trade assurance. I have had them add notes to the order specifying absolutely everything that is included in the order along with quantity and detail. I am also having them commit to a delivery date and a detailed test sheet for each cell to make sure the cells are matched and batched. Is there anything else I need to include so that the worst that happens is getting a refund?
The only real protection you can depend on is from your credit card company.
Trade Assurance is quite misunderstood and far too many won't ask, rather they make assumptions with guesses & theories and come up with "conclusions" base on that bafflegab.

When a Client orders something via Alibaba, the vendor is not paid until the packages are delivered, Alibaba holds the funds in "Escrow" until delivery is signed off. So the vendor is OUT OF POCKET till everything is signed off. This makes some quite aggressive (warning flag BTW) while others (more honourable) are not.

Regardless, Credit Card or PayPal (incurs extra fees) but accepted now that they have an official presence IN China (new this year).

Shipping Dates & Times CANNOT be Guaranteed by ANYONE, ANYWHERE ON EARTH ! Covidus Interuptus Effect, everyone is suffering that and completely outside of anyone's control. You will NOT get a Hard Delivery Date Commitment... NOT EVEN With Air-Express Freight ! (I use that a lot actually).

There a FEW (not many) Vendors who've proven themselves repeatedly to be honest & reliable with definite integrity and TT Direct Transfers with them is fine (and it can save time & hassles for everyone as well, AND that also get's held in "Escrow")
I’ve only ordered once on Ali, and used trade assurance.

To me, seemed like trade assurance was going to check out on another website like Amazon or EBay. The only other option would be to message the vendor and come up with another payment and delivery option, which would not be wise.

Not sure how much trade assurance actually helps you, but I’m feel like I’m relying on the good will of my fellow human beings when I placed my order.
Also no matter what Alibaba favours its vendors in disputes...your often asked to prove some things that would be near impossible like with batteries they will want a certified lab to test for issues you bring up...designed to frustrate the buyer into dropping it i guess(based on post on here)