diy solar

diy solar

Recommended Used Server Rack Batteries


New Member
Sep 28, 2019

I'm taking recommendations for server rack batteries. I went to Will's website & seen his recommended choices.

Are there any used server rack batteries that have even better prices?

Considering most of these server rack batteries have been out for less than 1 year you'd be very lucky to find used ones.
I’m assuming you mean server rack batteries used by forum members.

See 7 pages of discussion here :

If cost is an important factor for you, depending on the amount of time you have available, you can always put together your own system.
If cost is an important factor for you, depending on the amount of time you have available, you can always put together your own system.
I am not opposed to building my own if the savings is good. What would you recommend to equal an equivalent to the server rack setup?
I am not opposed to building my own if the savings is good. What would you recommend to equal an equivalent to the server rack setup?
When you build them yourself, you're not limited to "equivalents". Do an energy audit and find out your space requirements, then go from there.

Knowing how much continuous, peak, and total daily energy use you need will help you design a pack that can meet, and exceed your expectations.

A brief example would be one of my packs. I paid about $700 for sixteen, 90ah cells. A BMS runs about $100, and miscellaneous stuff will run about another $150 to $200. Of course, custom racking and cases will add to the price. All 16 in series would make a 48v, 90ah, ~ 4.6kwh, pack, for about $1k, excluding case. That is somewhat comparable to a 48v 100ah server rack setup.
Personally, I went with a 48v 16s with 280ah cells. Not that much more than the 90ah cells. Way more storage. Don't cheap out on a BMS either. I like my Overkill Solar BMS... can't recall... $150-ish? If I don't go with server racks batteries on this next build, I'll probably up the cells to the 310ah versions. You can't go too big when making/storing power.